Friday, August 29, 2008

more thievery

Once again stealing from Caroline's mind to give you a Top Ten Reasons Why This Weekend Will Be a Suckish Failure. (Except only five because I don't want to list out 10 ridiculous reasons)

5) I have to pay overdue fines for my library books. Not really a big deal in the whole grand scheme of things, but it's money. And I'm nearly positive my mom is going to make me pay for it. Which sucks because then it's not only money, but it's my money. ugh.

4) Courtney's going to be upset that Austin is gone for the weekend (omg, get over it!). The WHOLE weekend. Like on labor day weekend you're just supposed to go on vacation for one day. Yeah...right.

3) I'm pet-sitting for a dog who hates me. Growls everytime I move a single muscle. I'm terrified of going into the living room for fear that she might bite my head off. And to get the full picture of this, you'll have to realize that this dog is old. Real old. For a dog, I mean. And tiny. But I keep thinking she's going to jump up on me and knock me down and then start eating me. Or just biting me. It's scary. She's a terrifying dog.

2) I'm going shopping with my grandparents. I mean, grandparent and step-grandparent. How do you go shopping with people you just saw last Saturday for the first time in a good 7 years? What do you buy. I guess books, maybe a jacket. Something. Whatever. Ugh. This will be awkward.

1) And the big kahunah (sp? why do they say that, anyway?): I'm having lunch with my sisters, my dad, and his new wife (new siblings by the way, too. Something I found out about an hour ago. two stepsisters and two more stepbrothers). *yay!*. I don't even know how this is going to work out. I don't know what to do. I don't want to go. I don't want to meet her. I don't want to. I just don't. Why does this have to be my life? Why can't it be someone else's? I really don't want to.

And just so I'm not a huge downer, 3 Reasons Why It Won't

3) I get 50 dollars for said pet-sitting

2) There are NUTTY BARS here! We NEVER have Nutty Bars at my house, not anymore. I'm really excited and actually eating one now. Yay Nutty Bars!

1) Giant, HUGE, MONSTROUS party at your house! happy happy! Even though I'm exaggerating a tad. But just a tad. =)

So I leave you with that. A post. A substantial one.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

missing the mark

And no, I don't mean it the same way as I did missing chris.

I mean that I was going to change the poll and ended up missing the mark and adding hangman, which I then proceeded to play for nearly an hour.

Now you should play, but I worn you to be aware of the time.------------->


Friday, August 15, 2008

missing Chris

Yesterday I helped Natasha pack. Essentially this just meant sitting in her room (either cramped up in a tiny space on the floor, or wobbling precariously on the thin edge of her bed without stuff piled on it) and accumulating junk that she didn't want anymore and helping her rap breakables in newspaper.

Today I did a lot. I helped Natasha move into her apartment. That meant a lot of walking up stairs (she's on the third floor) and a lot of heavy boxes. Plus dealing with an insanely bossy and lazy mother. That wasn't the most pleasant. I saved the world by buying a earth friendly pillow made of recycled plastic bottles, naturally bleached cotton, and wrapped in a biodegradable package. HooHa! Nerdfighters! I helped Amy move out of my room. I need my space. I changed the sheets and blankets, etc. on my bed to a really awesome set that's blue and brown and white. I think I may have finally convinced my mom to paint my room purple, after the most ridiculous argument about not being allowed to paint it purple. Sure, I sold her on a few shades lighter than I really wanted, but that at least eliminates the "It'll be too dark" part of her argument. I cooked dinner. Turned out pretty good, actually. And I watched more gymnastics on the Olympics. That's all I've watched, really. That, and swimming. I'm sick of gymnastics. But I'm extremely happy that Nastia Liukin and Shawn Johnson won gold and silver in the women's all-around finals. We all know the men didn't do so hot, only getting 9th and 12th place.

Tomorrow, I'm going shopping. It'll be fun, because we're going to Costco, Dick's Sporting Goods (weirdly, just as I was typing that, my mother said the same thing to Jack...), probably Kohl's, maybe some place in the new mall, possibly JC Penney's. It depends on where my mom wants to spend money for clothes, as to where we go for that. Oh, and Home Depot! For paint samples!! That's exciting. I'll also be reading, because I have TONS more to read before next Thursday. Maybe I'll be seeing my uncle. Maybe I'll be getting my Coldplay cds back from Natasha. And maybe we'll be having a bonfire (if we do, you wanna come over? S'mores are in store, as is burning of clothes (possibly a certain off-gray something or another)/aprons (Tasha wants to get rid of her Cracker Barrel aprons, as she has quit in favor of Texas Roadhouse)

So I'm actually pretty busy, for the...third time all summer? Yeah. But I'm looking forward to something new on Don't Fret (ahem, Caroline). And figuring out who our ghost voter is.

going to watch more gymnastics and swimming (Micheal Phelps is a BEAST!),

one minute I held the key
next the walls were closed on me

Sunday, August 10, 2008

this week the trend

This post is way late, because I wrote it almost two weeks ago, maybe more, but some of it is entertaining, and some of it still stands. Also, I've added in a few things.

I've gotten quite a few things in the last couple days/weeks. I'll put them in a list that was once chronological, but no longer is.

1) a rude awakening (in the literal sense)

2) a new job opportunity. A successful and fruitful career as an editor. Which would be fantastic, because I could read for a living--sort of.

3) another book. One I've never heard of in my entire life, but seems like it'll be pretty good and it just randomly showed up at my door courtesy of UPS (oh how I love those men in brown) and Random House (one of my favorite publishers. No reason, specifically, but they have a good name). With no note of explanation except for the one that tells about the book. And then another one I just read after I wrote that last sentence that may explain it. Apparently, I can send you one too! (as a part of my new no-editing policy for emails, comments and posts, I can't go back and change anything except typos so the sentence about no note of explanation cannot be removed)

4) a delicious concoction of my personal creation that mixes two delightful beverages (Dr. Pepper, Vault) into a blend of caffeine I like to call Dr. Vaultur (add a little ice cream and you have the best--second best, I mean--float in the world.)

5) Wussy coffee. A vanilla frappacino. I told my step brother he should grow up, be a man, and get some real coffee. He looked at me like I was crazy, lifted an eyebrow, and asked, "What is this?" whilst gesturing at me. I looked back, made a weak attempt at lifting an eybrow, and said, "This? This is the truth. Man up."

6) abduction by aliens threat. There was this weird flashing in the sky the other night. It sure wasn't lightning, so what was it? Natasha and I came up with three theories:
*Aliens that were going to abduct us when we walked out onto the porch but then they saw her crazy 80's hair she gets when she sleeps and decided not to (the last part added by me)
*the government trying to send us some sort of message
*the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk was taking pictures of the measly human world. (that's one amazing camera)

There were more, but they were totally irrelevant two weeks later.

So I left them out.

Glad I've posted? I am.


p.s. Emilea, my comment on Rings is in development. I'm trying to workshop it best I can, but I got distracted by the story and forgot about craft elements, therefore I have to reread it, red pen in hand.