Thursday, February 5, 2009

How To Build A House

Step 1: Join a service club. Get involved. Do charity work that you don't know you are doing.

Step 2: Feel like a loser for not knowing you are doing all this stuff.

Step 3: Walk to Mrs. Bray's room after repeatedly harassing yourself for forgetting to do so sooner.

Step 4: Write your name on a sheet of paper

Step 5: Go to school at 12:30pm on a Saturday with all of your best friends and build.

I really can't wait to start construction on our Habitat House. Especially after writing the club update today and yesterday for the "newspaper". Since EVERY SINGLE CLUB in our entire school is helping with Habitat for Humanity this semester. I might as well just stick a huge banner across the front page and say "No club updates this semester. All working on house" and be done with it. It's simple, really.

But after reading How to Build a House last summer, I really, really, really feel like doing this, you know? It's kind of exciting participating in something so huge and so great for somebody. Plus, it's something on my resolutions. Do something good for somebody.

And I'm apparently getting a very large surprise next week, but am not to be told what it is until it has arrived. And I must be on my very best behavior or else I won't get it and will cry. I'm hoping this means a phone, but I have no reason to believe so. It's just my first suspicion, since I want it so bad. And I'd actually be able to talk to all of you on a pretty normal basis. Which would be cool. Since Anna isn't ever on facebook when I am anymore. Stupid English and Emma making me so busy.

Speaking of, my mom looked at me like I was the craziest person in the world and should be sent to a mental infirmary the first instant possible when I told her she had to help me put my hair up in a regency style bun-like thing and make it hold for hours because we are responsible for both hair and makeup. She laughed. A whole lot. Wouldn't stop, in fact. But it's got to happen some way or another. And I don't know how to do stage makeup. Actually, I'm rather bad at makeup in general. I don't use it, normally, so I'm a bit out of practice. And I suck with eyeliner. And I look weird with mascara. And I don't know. But, like I said, it's got to happen some way or another.

Just thought the blogosphere needed a little life. Since it apparently died last week.
