Tuesday, December 30, 2008

falling into an ant's nostril

I bought The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz. So far it's amazing, but I decided to put it aside and finally finish the Amber Spyglass first. Since I don't want to lug that thing around school. I've started so many books lately, and haven't gotten very far in any of them. I was reading Familiar Heat by Mary Hood but it's used so it smells strongly of smoke so it's really hard to read. And Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde, but I can't find it. I think I accidentally left it in Natasha's car or something. And How To Be Bad but I really didn't like Lauren Myracle's part. It was just ugh.

But I have been editing my essay (? short story? nonfictional piece?) that I'm sending in. It doesn't look too good right now, but I'm sure I can work it into shape. I'm using these euphemisms because otherwise I would be saying that I'm ripping up full pages and taking sharpies to entire paragraphs and marking out so many adverbs that my sentences look like they're all three words long and rearranging and then unrearranging everything so much that I'm getting dizzy.

But it's the 10-days-away panic that Caroline has further instilled upon me by constantly bringing it up. I forgive you, though, Caroline, or else it would be the day before it's due and I'd be just beginning this process.

But just to lighten my mood, I decided to throw in a poem:

Vanishing Point

You thought it was just a pencil dot
art students made in the middle of the canvas
before they started painting the barn, cows, haystacks,

or just a point where railroad tracks fuse,
a spot engineers stare at from the cabs of trains
as they clack through the heat of prairies
heading out of the dimensional.

But here I am at the vanishing point,
looking back at everything as it zooms toward me,
barns, cows, tracks, haystacks, farmers, the words,
shrinking, then disappearing into this iota
as if pulled by a gravity that is horizontal.

I am a catcher behind the home plate of the world,
a scientist observing a little leak in reality.

I watch the history of architecture narrow down
to nothing, all straight lines rushing away from
themselves like men who have caught on fire.
Every monument since Phidias converges on this speck.
Imagine a period that could swallow all the sentences
in an encyclopedia.

I have reached the heaven of geometry
where every line in every theorem aspires to go.
Even the vanishing points in drawings vanish here.
And if you do not believe me, look at where
the tangents of your garage are aimed.

You have heard of the apple that astonished Paris?
This is the nostril of the ant that inhaled the universe.

Alas, I wish I could call this my work but cannot because I have not written any good poetry in months. And this is beautiful. And, of course, Billy Collins.


Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Christmas

It's not really Christmas anymore, but I hope y'all had a happy one. Mine was good, if not exhausting. I got this really cute shirt with pandas on it but it has glitter on it, so I'm leaving glitter trails as I walk through the house. It's quite hilarious, because George keeps following me and trying to eat the glitter. He's so cute. I love my kitten. And I got a lot of money for christmas because I visited so many relatives and they all just give money, so I have $150 to blow on whatever I want (pluse 20 more for BAM and Target). I was going to use 40 of it for my costume but my mom said not to. I guess she'll pay for that...*shrug*

My uncle was supposed to be here an hour ago, but he's not. So I wasn't able to go to Sonic for lunch because he was supposed to be here but isn't. Blech. And tomorrow my grandma and her dog are coming, and she's leaving the dog behind for us. Yay! More animals! Speaking of, my mom needs to clean the litter box in here because it smells bad and I don't know where the kitty litter is so I can't do it. But she's in Charleston with Amy today, so that won't happen. Oh, well.

I have a star-shaped scratch/bruise/something-that-I-don't-have-a-name-for on my face from sledding down a really steep and tall hill and then going over a ramp and flying in the air and then landing with my face on the sled. It was really fun and totally worth it, though.

No gingerbread houses this year, since we didn't even come home until 2:30 Christmas morning, but maybe next year...=)

Happy Late Christmas!

P.S. Emilea, your present should be coming soon but it probably won't be until next week. So it'll be a New Year's present.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Because I'm a copycat. Because I'm bored. Because I don't have a mind of my own. Because I hate being left out.

1. What's your name?
I don't know. I've forgotten.

2. What is your favorite thing to wear?
A green shirt and my very blue blue jeans. The green shirt can vary.

3. Last thing you ate?
Fries. Oh, the unhealthy nation. Oh, the unhealthy Heather.

4. One place you will NEVER eat at?
I can't gauruntee any sort of never. Maybe, in twenty years, I will have gotten amnesia, and I won't remember that I don't like barbeque. And I might actually eat at that BBQ place down the street from my grandmother's house.

5. I say Shotgun, you say:
"Wedding--Damn it! I didn't want to!"

6. Last person you hugged?

7. Does anyone you know wanna date you?
If I knew that, would I be sitting on my computer filling out your lame survey?

8. Would you date anyone you met online?
Eh, that's a bit sketchy. I'm sure there are plenty of nice people online out there. But I probably wouldn't date just anyone I met in person either. They'd have to be date-able.

9. Name something you like physically about yourself:
Er, I like the matching freckles on my feet. They're very symmetrical.

10. The last place you went out to dinner to?
Outback Steakhouse. I appreciate the hilarity of that statement. Maybe you don't.

11. Who is your best friend?
Myself. Since we're one person.

12. What time of the day is it?
4:42, but it wont' be when I post this.

13. Who/What made you angry today?
Courtney's non-attendance to the thing this weekend.

14. Baseball or Football?
Oh, it's just so hard. WHY MUST YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE? Especially between a sport for stupid people where all you do is run in squares, and they even have the lines drawn for you, and an excuse for guys to hit each other?

15. Ever gone skinny dipping?
No, but I'm interested in the fact that John Green has. Weird.

16. Favorite type of Food?
The kind that tastes good.

17. Favorite holiday:
The kind that doesn't have any particular kind of food attached. Oh, wait, that only leaves Christmas and those dumb holidays we get off of school but no one really celebrates.

18. Do you download music:
Not presently, no.

19. Do you care if your socks are dirty?
I don't typically wear shoes that require socks, so when I do, they aren't typically dirty, but if they were, it would bug me, but I would wear them before I didn't.

20. Opinion of Chinese symbol tattoos?
Nothing wrong if you know what they mean.

21. Would you date the person who posted this?
Possibly, depending on which person you are talking about. Because I'm sure millions in this world have posted this. But the one I got it from? I don't know, because they're two people.

22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?

23. Do you love anyone?
Yes. My heart isn't shriveled and cold.

24. Are colored contact lenses sexy?
Why would they be any more or less sexy than regular contact lenses? Or just regular eyes? They wouldn't.

25. Have you ever bungee jumped?
Interesting concept. But no.

26. Have you ever gone white-water rafting?
Fictionally, yes. In reality, no.

27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?
Not that I know of.

28. How many pets do you have?
I can't count. It's something like 3 or 4 or 7. It depends on your definition of pet.

29. Have you met a real redneck?
You wouldn't be asking me this question if you'd ever been to my school.

30. How is the weather right now?
Brisk (because I'm always looking for a reason to use that word).

31. What are you listening to right now?
The sound of Charmed. My typing. Cars. Cats meowing.

32. What is your current favorite song?
Er, uh, At Least We Made It This Far? Lay All Your Loving On Me? I only name those two because they are both fighting for attention in my head.

33. What was the last movie you watched?
Notting Hill. No, maybe it It was Notting Hill.

34. Do you wear contacts?
No. What's your obsession with contacts about?

35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?
The last place I went? On the bus. The last place I was? My front yard.

36. What are you afraid of?
Lizards, great white sharks, jagged rocks being thrown at me, being thrown into a pit of jagged rocks, boggarts, dementors, Wally, sharp teeth, having my hand eaten off while I'm still alive, A, scary mudering rapists, terrifying things.

37. How many piercings have you had?
Just the two in my ears.

38. What piercings do you want?
I'm fine now, thanks. Not in the particular mood for more.

39. What's one thing you've learned this year?
Anger is Good.

40. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Caramel macchiato

41. What Magazines are you reading?
I'm not at this moment. But generally, the ones that show up in my mailbox. Meaning Entertainment Weekly.

42. Have you ever fired a gun:
More interested in the fact that John Green has fired a gun than in the fact that he's gone skinny dipping. My answer is no, if that's really what you're after.

43. Are you missing someone?
I don't think I can say it as well as John, but yes.

44. Favorite TV show?
Don't really have one. I like Greek, though..

45. Do you have an obession with WoW?
I have a fascination with the fascination with WoW.

46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?
haha. Yeah. Helloooo, Jodi Foster.

47. What celeb do you look like?
Oh darn, I just answered that question, but apparently Gwyneth Paltrow, too.

48. Who would you like to see right now?
Lots of people. I'm really bad at narrowing things down.

49. Favorite movie of all time?
August Rush, most possibly. But there are lots of contenders. Driving Lessons, for instance.

50. Do you find yourself loved?
Most likely.

51. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't suppose to?

52. Favorite smell?
Books that smell like rain. Because they smell better than rain, and I like that smell, too. Oh, and peppers.

53. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?
Buttered. But not to the point of soggy-ness.

54. What's something that really bugs you?
Lots of things. Mostly hypocrites.

55. Do you like Michael Jackson?
Not the person, no.

56. Taco Bell or Burger King?
I never eat at either establishment. But from what I know, Taco Bell. Is this survey almost over??

57. What's your favorite perfume?
Princess by Vera Wang.

58. Favorite baseball team?

59. Ever call a 1-900 phone number?
I'm with Caroline on this one.

60. What's the longest time you've gone without sleep?
A really really long time? when I'm not sleeping for a long time, I don't go about counting how long it's been since I slept.

61. Last time you went bowling?
Jessica's party.

62. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
I try to avoid sleeping in weird places. But I guess my closet counts, right?

63. Who was your last phone call?
My grandmother. Wow, that sounds so wholesome.

64. Last time you were at work?

65. What's the closest orange object to you?

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Darling

I thought about making a playlist for you. Something to commemorate the last year. We have such similar taste in music anyway. But that fell through, because the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I can't (for once) sum up everything I have to say in music. Also, it's really hard. =) But I did figure a few songs. And I'm thinking, if I can, I'll mail you the CD as a Christmas gift instead. But for your birthday, I elected to do this post instead.

You have been such a great friend the last year. One I never see, and can't talk to in person, and can't just hang out with. And, despite all this, you really have been such a great friend. Just as important to me as the friends I see every day. You rank right up there on the list of people important enought for terrorists to kidnap in order to persuade me to do something. I'm serious. It's you, Matt Thiessen, and all my friends here. You see that, you rank with the holiness of Matt Thiessen (and Chris Martin as well, but I feel we should give his name a break) and all my best friends. You are the coolest person I know who I never see.

I love the way you are totally your own person, but still sensitive to how others perceive you. I love how you have complete and total confidence, yet you're a human being. I love how you are everything I want to be and everything I can't be, but I don't hate you. The exact opposite, actually. I absolutely love you, and am so glad that you crashed our blog party last year. Without that fateful moment, I don't think I ever would have been motivated enough to become a better person. I can't believe I won't be able to see you today, and I'm so sad you can't hang out with us. I really wish you could be here.

Thanks for being born. Seriously. You're awesome.

She waits, hesitant to say that her words are beautiful,
hesitant. Our reassurance doesn't
reassure her, and she continues to
question. Can't she see that she is more
than all that?

She has that way, of saying how she feels,
putting it delicately, though,
so you are never offended. She has that
way, of walking with confidence I
wish I had. She just has that way.

And on her birthday, I wish she
could be here, to live, laugh, love
with us, I wish I could be there, to see
her after months apart.

And on her birthday, I wish I
could write as well as her, to show
her how much I love her.

Happy Birthday, Emilea!!!! We love you very, very, very, very, very, very, very much!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Forever, All, and Always

I will be thankful for:

1) My friends. I don't know where I would be without you. Probably one of those crazy girls that doesn't talk to anyone and just sits in the corner of the room doing nothing. I probably would never have done Drama Club, or I would have, but stayed backstage and said nothing. I would never have joined Book Club, would never have elected to apply to Governor's School, and would never have stuck it out in chorus with Mrs. Young. Thanks so much to all of you, Caroline, Danielle, Chloe, Allison, Courtney, Jessica, and you, too, Emilea and Anna.

1a) I did this last year, listed everything about why I love my friends so much, but there were a few people that weren't around last year that I'd like to say thanks to, whom I'm grateful for having:

Jessica--I don't even have words. I have tears and that hard, stiff knot that appears in your throat when you aren't really crying, but you feel all happy-cry-y and you just love someone so much and are so thankful they are there. You know what I mean? Yeah, that's Jess. I love how she's just always showing up at my house whenever. Just comes by at midnight to bring some cookie dough and some advice. She's always there to talk to, and she's always there to make me laugh. Our epic battles shall continue throughout the rest of the year. I'll miss her so much when she's gone, but I'm glad she won't be too far away.

Anna--Oh, what to say about my nerdfighting ninja. Other than I can't wait to see her tomorrow. And that I'm so happy that I wrote DFTBA on my hand that first day, or else we never would have become friends like we did. I'm sure we would have talked, hung out, and ate together, but we never would have been able to bond over Hank's gothic phase and all the other awesome things about Nerdfighting. I love that she was always around when I needed her to be during those two weeks. I love that she came and hung out in my room and held out even though my roommate was rather psycho. I love that she has the strength to withstand Shelby even though I barely did. I love that she hung around while I packed so that we could make the "echolocation video" that I still reenact every once in a while. I love that I can mug her anytime and know she won't be offended. I love that she's such an amazing writer and makes me want to be better, because her words are so beautiful. I love you, Anna.

Emilea--It's been just barely a year since she crashed our blogging party and made the two of us into three. Just a little over a year have I know this wonderful person that is always there to say something amazing when you feel like the stupidest person in the world. I hate how she thinks so little of herself sometimes because I think so much of her. Even if Caroline hadn't been practically staring her down that first day, I probably would have recognized her, and even if I didn't, I would have still become close with her, because she's just that amazing of a person. I love that she's always comment-ready on Don't Fret, even though it takes me ages to comment. (I'm so sorry about that, by the way). I love that she says wtc instead of wtf. I love that she's such a great person and pictures her family adopting us next year if we get in to GS. I love that even though you're miles and miles away, I still think of you as one of my best friends. =) ♥

2) Thanks also be to my chance to meet all the awesome people I did this summer at Academy, and for being able to experience two weeks as incredible as that. I've never had so much fun in my life, and never become that close to people I just met in that short of an amount of time. I think I'm closer to you two (In case you were wondering, and I'm sure you weren't, I mean Anna and Emilea) than I am to some of my friends that I live near and go to school with everyday. I love you guys so much, and if you hadn't been at Governor's School, I never would have become as outspoken and crazy as I am. Being forced to make friends that quickly made me a new person. Plus, I love all of you for being as awesome as you are. I can't believe I got to do that. (special thanks to Caroline and her mom for being so awesome in making it so I could go.)

3) Just for being able to live, to do the things I do, to be accomplished in at least something. To have plans weeks in advance and know they won't change. The security in the fact that there's always something for me to do, somewhere.

4) Though I may hate it 90% of the time, I'm thankful for how my world is changing. For how everything around me is changing and how much I've changed in the last year. I can't believe the differences in my life as opposed to last thanksgiving, when the only thing I could think of that I was thankful for was my friends. I can't believe that most of these changes are for the better.

Today's dinner/lunch/feast went a lot smoother than last year's and all the years before it. It went quicker and is nearly over. I'm sure later on, after all the adults (only three, but so what) have taken a nap, we'll play a card game, maybe watch a movie, and that I'll go to bed realizing that for all the work that went into it, and all the people that didn't come, it turned out pretty well. The only people that ended up coming were my mom, Jack, Amy, me, and Jack's friend Robert who didn't really have much of anywhere else to go to. The people that usually come that didn't were Natasha, Robert (my step-brother), my Uncle Marshall, Aunt Sylvia, and random friend that either Natasha or Amy brings along. Without all these people here, it was different, and weird, but nice nonetheless.

I hope everything went well with you, and Happy Thanksgiving


words I've used before on all the wrong faces

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

in which the freshman is an idiot

Yeah. that's me. I lied about the not posting until after Thanksgiving is wrapped up. Totally lied. Because I wanted to inform you of how much of an idiot I am. I'm a stupid "freshman" who totally can't make up her mind and is basing a lot of her decisions on other people. And in my mind I feel like Courtney, and that's not good. Not good at all. I love her, but I don't want to be her.

Today was great and all, and I love having a free day in geometry and the "naming" process of the Market St. Brass quintet people, but on the bus ride home I kept thinking. Which, for an idiot, is never a good thing.

But really, today was amazing. And technically I'm a freshman, according to Austin, so yeah. I can go to Academy this summer! Yay! That'll be fun. Except y'all won't be there because you aren't freshmen. Which will be tragic, and I don't know what I'll do but maybe Cammie will be there. She's cool, even if she is a mean cheerleader.

Once again, happy Thanksgiving Emilea, and see you soon, Caroline and Anna

Saturday, November 22, 2008

shelter me oh genius words

I'm in a perpetual spiral of Cartel-listening and sudoku-doing. Plus sleeping off my sickness, which has almost completely disappeared. And all this spare time has left my mind to wander just a bit too much. But the sad part of today is that I didn't write a thing at all. Hence listening to Minstrel's Prayer on repeat for about two and a half hours. So yeah, I'm kind of worn out today, and very very lazy. Have to get up early tomorrow to clean, or else I can't, idk, live? There was no set punishment for not cleaning, but I guess I should do it since thanksgiving is this week (yay!). I should also get to work on my term paper. I'm so slack. I don't even think I have a copy of my bibliography so I can continue research. Oops.

I'm also worn out of seeing and hearing about Twilight. But I'm glad to hear the critics hated it. I'm also severely entertained by this post by ReviewerX. I laughed a lot when I read about 7-year-old-Bella-to-be. That was critical to keeping up my spirits on a lazy cold day like today.

So I'm just posting to fill time. Can't wait to see you, Anna, and I hope you have a good thanksgiving, emilea, since this will probably be my last post until after dinner on Thursday.


just give me strength, just to pen these things, and give me peace to well her wings

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)

1. Put Your iTunes, Windows Media Player, Winamp, etc on shuffle.

2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.


4. Put the artist after a dash following the song name.

5. Put any comments in brackets.

6. Tag some lucky people to spread the disease.


WHAT WOULD BEST DESCRIBE YOUR PERSONALITY? Sympathy-The Goo Goo Dolls [how is it even possible to have two in a row like that?]

WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY? Learning to Fall-Boys Like Girls

HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY? Yellow-Coldplay

WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE? Draw the Line-Aerosmith

WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? I Like What You Say-Nada Surf


WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? Looking Forward to Looking Back-Mandy Moore

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING IN THE WORLD? Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'-Journey [Oh, god. That's TERRIBLE. Why does that happen?]

WHAT IS YOUR THEME SONG? Radiate-The Honorary Title

WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU? invisible-Taylor Swift [ :*( ]

WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN? Lost!-Coldplay [This is only funny once you get to the end of the post. Then it's hilarious]

WHAT IS 2+2? What About Me-Keith Urban

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND?Light With a Sharpened Edge-The Used

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE? *stares at mp3 player with mouth gaping open, doing that crazy-laugh-shock thing, blinks several times* ... DANCING QUEEN- Christine Baranski [I kid you not. this is what I also got. I copied the whole survey from your blog, so when I got to this one, I laughed at it's hilarity. Then I hit next. Then I stared at my mp3 player with my mouth gaping open, doing that crazy-laugh-shock thing and blinked several times, so I figured I could leave that there, too. I only changed the artist because that's what I have on my mp3 player]


WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? Plenty of Paper-Eisley [aw. Love that song]


WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? Staplegunned-The Spill Canvas [uh, really?]

WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? Weightless-Nada Surf [definitely. Love it so much]

WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL? There Was No Thief-Relient K [if only it had been Faking My Own Suicide]

WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST? Say Anything (Else)-Cartel



WHAT'S THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN? Like a Knife-Secondhand Serenade

HOW WILL YOU DIE? Josephine-The Wallflowers

WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU REGRET? The Film Did Not Go 'Round-Nada Surf

WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH? It's All Been Done-Barenaked Ladies

WHAT MAKES YOU CRY? Honestly-Cartel


WHAT SCARES YOU THE MOST? Johanna-Stephen Sondheim [so so so so much. Scary scary song. Scary scary Anthony]

DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU? Easier to Run-Linkin Park

IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE? Billy-James Blunt [Billy? Where's Billy? Is Billy dead?]

WHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW? I Am Fred Astaire-Taking Back Sunday

THE NEXT TIME YOU HEAR THIS SONG (ASIDE FROM NOW) YOU MUST DANCE: The One Armed Boxer vs. The Flying Guillotine-From First To Last [Kind of hard. This isn't a dancing song. Not at all]

WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS? Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)-Amanda Seyfried.

In other news:

Chris Martin should either never dance or always dance. I can't decide if the humor beats the scariness.
Why is Lost featuring Jay-Z on the Prospekt's March EP??? Coldplay and Jay-Z??? Really? It doesn't sound to bad, but where did it come from? And maybe it only sounds good because that's like, the best song on the cd.
Chris Martin apparently has the energy of a 4 year old or downs about 27 pixie sticks a day.
I talk about Chris Martin like I talk about Dominic.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Isn't it nice to know, that the lining is silver?

I tried my hardest to not use Relient K lyrics for my title, but no other lyrics came to mind, and these were just so fitting, and I need this song right now. Plus, I absolutely loveloveLOVE it. And I'm so glad they played it at the concert.

It's official now. I'm going to Arizona. Five days. To see my father and his family for Christmas. It's official because the plane tickets have been bought, a schedule has been made, and I've been told how to pack. Apparently I need to bring a bathing suit, workout clothes, warm clothes for possible skiing, cool clothes for the normal weather, and a few other things. I'm going to ride on a plane for the first time ever, and I'm not going somewhere I'm looking forward to.

My mom won't acknowledge the fact that we're going to Arizona. She hasn't said anything about it, accept to confirm the plans with Natasha on the phone. And that makes it immensely harder. It also makes it a lot harder that I was crying the other night when Jessica was sleeping in my room.

But the silver lining? I'm going to get to do a ton of things I've never done before. Like ski (possibly), fly on an airplane, go to an actual gym, spend Christmas away from home, meet my uncle's family and spend Christmas eve with them, meet my step-siblings, horseback riding, I think I'm going to be able to cut my hair short and then walk through an airport so I can dream of destinations (more Relient K), and (hopefully) own a cell phone--still working on that.

I can't write lately. Everything is really embarrassingly girly and gross and just disgusts me. I think I'm going through my worst phase of poetry, ever. Never have I written this much...I don't know what name to give it...crap, I guess, but that doesn't even begin to cover it. It's amateur and girly and flippy, and my vocabulary fails me so very much right now. And my piece for my application is hard too. Only because it's just hard to write. I'm actually thinking of changing it up and having y'all vote on what I send in, I'm not as confident right now as I was a few months ago.

Silver lining? I've gotten the rest of my application COMPLETELY DONE. Except, of course, for my guidance counselor sheet and arts recommendation, but neither of those are my fault. Mrs. Riley is just slack and I can't have my transcript thing done until a long time from now, anyway.

I was sick today. Turns out the headache was a migraine, so it made me sick to my stomach, and my mom just told me to stay home from school to be sure it was gone. I would have protested but my perfect attendance will be shot in a month and a few weeks anyway, so what does it matter?

What's the silver lining in that? An extra day to finish Pearl Harbor. =)

I think my distractions have ceased, in a way. Well, in the way that it's all become harder to deal with and it's not so simple anymore. At least, I don't think it is. Have you noticed?

But it's all okay. Because I have y'all, and I have things to look forward to, and I have my WHAT nerds, and I have those moments everyday that I know I have the best friends in the world and that I wouldn't trade them for anything, ever, and nothing could change that, and they make me laugh so hard at times that I can't breathe and Dominic thinks I'm crazy, but it's fine, because he has a funny shaped head.

Love you,

Isn't it nice to know, that we're golden

Monday, October 27, 2008

You didn’t get to heaven but you made it close

In case you've been living under a rock (and I know you haven't, but maybe you haven't listened to the song in a while and forgot it--again, not like you did, because there aren't that many words to this particular song, but you might have and so I'm here to assist in assisting you by telling you this), I feel the need to tell you that above are the lyrics to 42, a song by Coldplay, from Viva la Vida.

I swear that song was written for Mr. Spaceman by Robert Olen Butler. I think that Chris Martin (or Guy, or Jonny, or Will-the frequently unnamed members of Coldplay) read the book, thought (in his lovely accent), Oh, I could make a wonderful song from this because it's such a beautiful peace written about an Alien that may or may not be God. Or, I would, if that entire book wasn't about words and 42 doesn't have very many. Seriously, though. It is the PERFECT song for that book. Everything about it is just perfect. Even the music. It's amazing, and somehow I just noticed this today on the way home from school.

I also realized (as if I hadn't already) that I'm so glad volleyball is over. I don't know if I've mentioned this to anyone, ever, but I'm REALLY glad volleyball is over, and I really hated going to practice. I don't think I have said that. Newest reasons are:

♥I get to listen to music more often, because I'm home more often, and because I have the 20 or so minute bus ride in the afternoon (now a longer one in the morning as well because my sister's ex-boyfriend is a creepy stalker freak and all this other crap that I'm not going to put online, because it's scary, and if you-emilea- or you-anna- want to know, I can email you, but I'm sure you don't care, and I can just tell caroline since she/you, you know, lives/live here).

♥Because I get to be inside the loop. Especially on all things regarding Zac and Katlyn. You want to hear the newest news (trust me, you'll be entertained. I'm not sure in what way, but you will be)? They were playing with the electronic 20?s game in BAM on Saturday, because you know, they still have benefits, and Katlyn told Zac to think of something. So, he thought of Katlyn. She asked him all the questions, stuff like "Is it black?" and "Can it fit in a microwave?" Ridiculous stuff like that. So they go through twenty questions and then the long process of "I know what it's a--" You want to know what it turned out to be? A Soulmate!!!!!!

Isn't that the craziest thing you've ever heard? And it wasn't even a lie, because I double checked the facts (since Zac sometimes lies, a tad bit) with Katlyn. It definitely was a soulmate. So suffice to say they were freaked out. I think it's sweet, because they do make a good couple.

♥I'm not sure this is a good thing, but I get to be harassed with multiple hungs from people. Mostly, it's a good thing. With Lenny it's not. He attacked me and Zac and wouldn't let go of us for a good 10 minutes. He started to sing. It was scary.

♥Dante said I looked emo with my Relient K jacket. I laughed, because he was wearing all black.

♥I can do things like Book Club and Drama Club and Chorus without having to work practice around it and be rushed all the time.

♥Sleep, oh lovely sleep.

♥BLOGGING! I know you guys enjoy that one, right?

So the concert was awesome, as Caroline has already told you. Matt Thiessen wore a cape for the first song. This Providence rofls my waffles. I got a guitar pick. My jacket is amazing. I use that word too much. I had some writing material for a story I'm working on. It got my mind off some things so I could think (and write).

Also, Dreher High School Wizard of Oz????? I'm not the only one dying to go, am I?


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm just trying to be a better version of me for you

I really hate burning cds, and here's why:

1) I always screw them up
2) It takes forever
3) I feel guilty
4) It never works, and I always end up wasting a perfectly good cd
5) All I have to do while burning them is hang out on facebook and on a rare occasion, myspace.

I hate myspace bulletins, and here's why:

1) They are super vague
2) They make you want to ask that person what they're talking about but you can't because it'd be weird and also, you feel like you're invading their privacy
3) They make your mind think about the same things/problems you've been thinking all day but can't solve
4) I am forced to realize even more so how words affect me, but how I can't affect them
5) Sometimes...they make me cry.

I hate crying, and here's why:

1) I'm one of the ugliest criers in the world. My face gets all blotchy and red (yes, I realize most people's do), and my eyes squint up, and I can actually frown, a lot, so that's emphasized.
2) I have no privacy in my house
3) It prevents me from seeing clearly
4) I think that I'm thinking too much if it's making me cry
5) I make posts like this that turn downhill into depressing monologues about how crappy my life is and how I hate everything

I hate making posts like this that turn downhill into depressing monologues about how crappy my life is and how I hate everything, and here's what I'm going to do about it:

1) I'm going to stop writing my short story/essay that I'm sending in to gs, because that's making me sad.
2) I'm going to read John Green's blog (because I've caught up on all the videos) and laugh
3) I'm going to watch Hank do the Numa Numa dance for about the trillionth time because you cannot laugh any harder (accept, maybe if you watch him do that punishment where he sings the song about being an internet girl and he puts his hair in pigtails)
4) I'm going to stop thinking about all this crap that's confusing me and go with everything, and just live those parts of my life nonchalantly
5) I'm going to think about Friday, and Saturday, and how, in the very near future, I will be surrounded by tons of jumping, screaming bodies and yelling my head off while you're there next to me, likewise yelling your head of and we'll be smiling and happy, and looking at Matt, Matt, John, Jon, and Ethan.

I was going to post this on a facebook note. You see why I didn't?

I love you guys. I wish I was a clever fountain of hilarity right now, because I'm sure you all need a good laugh from me, so I'll bring it soon. =)


******This is an edit, because I wanted to post but blogger was currently unavailable, apparently.

So now not only am I spending half the day with Jess tomorrow, I invited her to come over here and hang out tonight. To 'chill'. Robert and Amy and Elliot keep saying that word, btw. They keep talking about how they're going to 'chill'. Ugh. You were right about that word. So we're practically one person, but don't worry, I'm not replacing you! =)

And then Zac practically begged me to come over to the Giovagnoli house tomorrow. Which I guess I must. I miss him/Dante, anyway, so I want to.

And the topic of Zac brings me to my next point: Shannon forced him to hold her baby. Yes, I'm sure you are cracking up right about now (if you're Caroline), just as I was, but probably not as much as I did. He held the baby, looked at me with that face he makes, where his eyes get all wide and him mouth bunches up and he looks sad and terrified. You know that look? Well he made it. He also kept saying "This is awkward. This is awkward. This is awkward." It became his mantra. And he was holding the baby like it had a severe case of smallpox. Then she kept using that really annoying voice where she is practically yelling (Hey Dominic. Hey Dominic. Hey. Hey. Hey Dominic) but it's obvious that that is just a normal form her voice takes on. was a good laugh. As was this crap Zac was saying about Hunter's skinny pants that trust me, was funny, but you don't want to know.

And not only am I selling Skittles and Starbursts in order to go to Disney World (700 pieces of candy???!!???? That's 23 1/3 boxes!!!), but there is another box that has chocolate things, like Reese's and Hershey and stuff like that. Jess took one of those to sell. I've sold sixteen, so I have $8 out of $350. So I'm getting close! =\

I'm also happy to report that I'm writing a lot lately. I'm much like you, Anna, and kind of abandoned it all when I got busy, then I got my application, spent a few days staring at it and still not writing anything. All of a sudden, though, I started to write. And write. And write. I filled up 7 pages, front an back, in my moleskin with my writing. And it's all one piece (well, two technically), not just a bunch of poems (those have sucked lately, btw). It feels good to find my way back to writing again. I never realized how much I loved it. I always just thought it was something I did, something I enjoyed, something I liked. Never something I loved to do as immensely as I do. I love creating something out of nothing, you know? Just to have these words come out of you that you can't use in normal conversation, and to know that they're yours and you created these characters and named them and made them real.

It's just an amazing feeling. I'd always thought that, just not as strongly. I guess you have to leave something for a while to realize how much it means to you.

Can't wait to get out of my house, and just DO SOMETHING!


Friday, October 17, 2008

i'm such a drama queen

disclaimer: the first half of this post is pretty much just saying some stuff I think I need to say, not that I want to, and that you really don't have to read if you don't want to. Just skip ahead to the dashed line. Or maybe I'll make it astericks. I don't know.

It's not broken, really. Still bruised. Still weird and annoying and sometimes swollen, but others not. But not broken. I make such a huge deal out of everything...

Speaking of making a huge deal, THE DISTRACTION IS NOT A BIG DEAL. It's just annoying. I don't know what to do about it, and that makes me mad, and it makes it a big deal, because this is the first time I've been faced with anything like this, but really, not a big deal. Everyone has been making it such, (mostly Courtney) and I don't want it to be. I'm just...seeing what happens. Ugh, I hate that phrase.


In other news... You're par-tay is in about 30 minutes, and I've been ready to go for like an HOUR. Which really is kind of lame, but I've been super bored this weekend and I've had way too much time to think. And read. And Slaughter-House Five is pretty amazing, btw.

As is Audrey, Wait! I hope you don't mind that I circled the lyrics to the Cartel song. I think it was A...yeah. And I put a bunch of hearts around it because I got really excited.

My room is spotless. Literally. I cleaned it today, and I even vacuumed and dusted, which I never do. And washed my bed stuff. And then took the Febreeze and doused everything in Spring-freshness. I cleaned Zac and Luke's cage. Organized the shoes in my closet. Went closet digging, to find an outfit for the concert next weekend. All I found was a really adorable skirt that I've had for years and have only worn once, and a shirt that I can wear with it so that I look like I stepped out of the forties. It's totally what I'm wearing for Halloween, if it's not too cold. I'm wearing my outfit for the concert today, just because. It's kind of lame. Just a blank tanktop and jeans. But whatever.

I can't wait to see Relient K live. It's going to be amazing. Probably not as amazing as Soundtrack of Your Summer, but still pretty good. Especially since Ludo is really good.

I'm hoping all is well with you and yours on today. And if it is not, it is my sincere desire that things get better for you.

Love you, miss you emilea and anna. See you in 20 minutes, caroline.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

not really in a title hunting mood

I can tell you now that this post will be short, because I'm doing the hunt-and-peck version of typing.

why, you may ask is this the case? Because I jammed my thumb today in the last ten minutes of our last volleyball practice of the season, right before our last game tomorrow. Also there's the small possibility that it is broken. yes, broken. Just a hairline fracture, nothing serious. Just my first break ever if that's the case. I don't know yet. So it's sufficient to say I will not be playing in our last game of the season. I hate my life.

And emilea? I'm the worst person ever and I apologize a milliom times over for not commenting and you can't expect one now, and I don't know when you'll be able to. You can't trust my promises anyway. But you can trust that I've read and, and as much as I don't want to be critical, I will say where is your heart?

But yeah. Miss the use of my thumb. Miss being able to finction. Miss not being distracted (a discussion for later times, because it's too much to say to type)



Saturday, October 4, 2008

how I spent the best 15th birthday of my life...

the FESTIVITIES (a cooler word when in caps lock) started a day early when I arrived at school to receive a puppy-sized elephant--named Willy, after John's very own puppy--and delicious, crumbly, explosive sugar cookies with sprinkles. From there, it moved into my first block, where many people (especially those with a name starting with the letter D) actually remembered the next day was my birthday, without my reminding them. Then, the day slipped into second block, which wasn't anything special, but our test was easier than I thought it would be and the rest of school was fairly uneventful.

And then. JESSICA'S HOUSE. and a Starburst from Joey for my birthday gift. And blank cd's. And funny yearbook pictures. And a lovely chat with long lost Tyler, who I never talk to anymore and who is so ridiculous.

ALLISON'S HOUSE where I ate oysters, chips, brownie's, crackers with cheese, a hamburger, and pasta salad. And where we also sung Your Song very badly for an Elton John fan who has touched Elton John's shoes. Something I was amazed about. And then a whole lot more awesome, a handheld Sudoku, and a fancy pen. Apples to Apples. Beanbag chairs. Therapist (the rapist). Giovagnoli twins. Caroline's bad phone-operating abilities. Sleep (or lack of).

MY SISTER'S BOOKS where I bought books, ate (lots of) good food, read part of a book aloud, wandered around, laughed at Allison, talked about books, shelved books, read hilariously dreadful Knock-Knock jokes, did those little word puzzle things from Trif's class, met an author, at more food, ate even more food, traded in children's books for:

Familiar Heat by Mary Hood
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon
Mr. Spaceman by Robert Olen Butler
About a Boy by Nick Hornby
The Memory of Running by Ron McLarty
Music Minus One by Jane Shore
The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen
Searching for David's Heart by Cherie Bennett

Then I came home to find 25 more dollars to devote to Disney World (ugh, I hope I can pay for it...)

Plus, facebook wishes me a happy birthday, and that's what I've been waiting for all my life. *eye roll*

Thanks to everybody in the world who is awesome. You made my birthday awesome. I love you guys. (emilea, a comment is forthcoming)


Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Monster Collection of Moleskin Tips, Tricks, and Hacks

can be found right here:

That and also the email I sent to you (emilea and caroline) from which I got the above link in the first place.

I've actually spent an entire 2 and half hours reading all about Moleskines (pathetic, yes, I realize, but the Moleskine is a sacred and amazing notebook that is also owned by one Margo Roth Spiegelman, and therefore assumedly--is that a word?--by one John Michael Green). There are so many awesome things I didn't know about my beautiful notebook. And it's nice to learn about them. Plus, I got to see some really awesome artwork and such that artists have put in their Moleskines. One guy even had his Moleskine framed open to the page. Actually, it was the first thing he drew in the otherwise brand new notebook, and it was astounding. It was so intricate and yet simple at the same time. I loved it, and the idea of framing a notebook.

But besides obtaining new information about notebooks, I also was informed that DANTE HAS READ MY BLOG!!!!!!

He sent me a message that said something about me using the word flabbergast. He said:



just one of the many wierd and Akward sounding funny words that YOU say :D"

And I asked him what were some of the many weird and awkward sounding funny words that I said? And he replied:


Give me a minute

Ill go check you blog

Err, If I can find it haha"

[all grammatical errors in Dante's quotes made by Dante himself. I've corrected, but all I've gained is the title of Grammar Nazi]

So there. He has read my blog.

Which simultaneously excites me and freaks me out to the point where I sat in my room for a few hours wondering what the heck he had read and when and why did he never say anything about it and am I sure I changed the url before that post?

But I'm pretty much past that moment now. As my Moleskin browsing has proved.

I shall see you tomorrow, Caroline. And Emilea and Anna, I wish I would see you tomorrow, but alas, I will not.


Friday, August 29, 2008

more thievery

Once again stealing from Caroline's mind to give you a Top Ten Reasons Why This Weekend Will Be a Suckish Failure. (Except only five because I don't want to list out 10 ridiculous reasons)

5) I have to pay overdue fines for my library books. Not really a big deal in the whole grand scheme of things, but it's money. And I'm nearly positive my mom is going to make me pay for it. Which sucks because then it's not only money, but it's my money. ugh.

4) Courtney's going to be upset that Austin is gone for the weekend (omg, get over it!). The WHOLE weekend. Like on labor day weekend you're just supposed to go on vacation for one day. Yeah...right.

3) I'm pet-sitting for a dog who hates me. Growls everytime I move a single muscle. I'm terrified of going into the living room for fear that she might bite my head off. And to get the full picture of this, you'll have to realize that this dog is old. Real old. For a dog, I mean. And tiny. But I keep thinking she's going to jump up on me and knock me down and then start eating me. Or just biting me. It's scary. She's a terrifying dog.

2) I'm going shopping with my grandparents. I mean, grandparent and step-grandparent. How do you go shopping with people you just saw last Saturday for the first time in a good 7 years? What do you buy. I guess books, maybe a jacket. Something. Whatever. Ugh. This will be awkward.

1) And the big kahunah (sp? why do they say that, anyway?): I'm having lunch with my sisters, my dad, and his new wife (new siblings by the way, too. Something I found out about an hour ago. two stepsisters and two more stepbrothers). *yay!*. I don't even know how this is going to work out. I don't know what to do. I don't want to go. I don't want to meet her. I don't want to. I just don't. Why does this have to be my life? Why can't it be someone else's? I really don't want to.

And just so I'm not a huge downer, 3 Reasons Why It Won't

3) I get 50 dollars for said pet-sitting

2) There are NUTTY BARS here! We NEVER have Nutty Bars at my house, not anymore. I'm really excited and actually eating one now. Yay Nutty Bars!

1) Giant, HUGE, MONSTROUS party at your house! happy happy! Even though I'm exaggerating a tad. But just a tad. =)

So I leave you with that. A post. A substantial one.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

missing the mark

And no, I don't mean it the same way as I did missing chris.

I mean that I was going to change the poll and ended up missing the mark and adding hangman, which I then proceeded to play for nearly an hour.

Now you should play, but I worn you to be aware of the time.------------->


Friday, August 15, 2008

missing Chris

Yesterday I helped Natasha pack. Essentially this just meant sitting in her room (either cramped up in a tiny space on the floor, or wobbling precariously on the thin edge of her bed without stuff piled on it) and accumulating junk that she didn't want anymore and helping her rap breakables in newspaper.

Today I did a lot. I helped Natasha move into her apartment. That meant a lot of walking up stairs (she's on the third floor) and a lot of heavy boxes. Plus dealing with an insanely bossy and lazy mother. That wasn't the most pleasant. I saved the world by buying a earth friendly pillow made of recycled plastic bottles, naturally bleached cotton, and wrapped in a biodegradable package. HooHa! Nerdfighters! I helped Amy move out of my room. I need my space. I changed the sheets and blankets, etc. on my bed to a really awesome set that's blue and brown and white. I think I may have finally convinced my mom to paint my room purple, after the most ridiculous argument about not being allowed to paint it purple. Sure, I sold her on a few shades lighter than I really wanted, but that at least eliminates the "It'll be too dark" part of her argument. I cooked dinner. Turned out pretty good, actually. And I watched more gymnastics on the Olympics. That's all I've watched, really. That, and swimming. I'm sick of gymnastics. But I'm extremely happy that Nastia Liukin and Shawn Johnson won gold and silver in the women's all-around finals. We all know the men didn't do so hot, only getting 9th and 12th place.

Tomorrow, I'm going shopping. It'll be fun, because we're going to Costco, Dick's Sporting Goods (weirdly, just as I was typing that, my mother said the same thing to Jack...), probably Kohl's, maybe some place in the new mall, possibly JC Penney's. It depends on where my mom wants to spend money for clothes, as to where we go for that. Oh, and Home Depot! For paint samples!! That's exciting. I'll also be reading, because I have TONS more to read before next Thursday. Maybe I'll be seeing my uncle. Maybe I'll be getting my Coldplay cds back from Natasha. And maybe we'll be having a bonfire (if we do, you wanna come over? S'mores are in store, as is burning of clothes (possibly a certain off-gray something or another)/aprons (Tasha wants to get rid of her Cracker Barrel aprons, as she has quit in favor of Texas Roadhouse)

So I'm actually pretty busy, for the...third time all summer? Yeah. But I'm looking forward to something new on Don't Fret (ahem, Caroline). And figuring out who our ghost voter is.

going to watch more gymnastics and swimming (Micheal Phelps is a BEAST!),

one minute I held the key
next the walls were closed on me

Sunday, August 10, 2008

this week the trend

This post is way late, because I wrote it almost two weeks ago, maybe more, but some of it is entertaining, and some of it still stands. Also, I've added in a few things.

I've gotten quite a few things in the last couple days/weeks. I'll put them in a list that was once chronological, but no longer is.

1) a rude awakening (in the literal sense)

2) a new job opportunity. A successful and fruitful career as an editor. Which would be fantastic, because I could read for a living--sort of.

3) another book. One I've never heard of in my entire life, but seems like it'll be pretty good and it just randomly showed up at my door courtesy of UPS (oh how I love those men in brown) and Random House (one of my favorite publishers. No reason, specifically, but they have a good name). With no note of explanation except for the one that tells about the book. And then another one I just read after I wrote that last sentence that may explain it. Apparently, I can send you one too! (as a part of my new no-editing policy for emails, comments and posts, I can't go back and change anything except typos so the sentence about no note of explanation cannot be removed)

4) a delicious concoction of my personal creation that mixes two delightful beverages (Dr. Pepper, Vault) into a blend of caffeine I like to call Dr. Vaultur (add a little ice cream and you have the best--second best, I mean--float in the world.)

5) Wussy coffee. A vanilla frappacino. I told my step brother he should grow up, be a man, and get some real coffee. He looked at me like I was crazy, lifted an eyebrow, and asked, "What is this?" whilst gesturing at me. I looked back, made a weak attempt at lifting an eybrow, and said, "This? This is the truth. Man up."

6) abduction by aliens threat. There was this weird flashing in the sky the other night. It sure wasn't lightning, so what was it? Natasha and I came up with three theories:
*Aliens that were going to abduct us when we walked out onto the porch but then they saw her crazy 80's hair she gets when she sleeps and decided not to (the last part added by me)
*the government trying to send us some sort of message
*the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk was taking pictures of the measly human world. (that's one amazing camera)

There were more, but they were totally irrelevant two weeks later.

So I left them out.

Glad I've posted? I am.


p.s. Emilea, my comment on Rings is in development. I'm trying to workshop it best I can, but I got distracted by the story and forgot about craft elements, therefore I have to reread it, red pen in hand.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

d;kfhaiuhd fkjanbdf

You know, I'm glad my parents went to see The Dark Knight, and all, so I could actually use the computer, and wash my clothes and in general be happy they aren't here, in my way, being annoying.

But that also means I'm on the computer.

And there are tons of things that I don't like about the computer. Especially certain things. And knowing. And knowing about the knowing.

And I'm sure I'm confusing you right now, aren't I? I guess I'll call you, Caroline, because you dissappeared last night and I had a few more things to say before Courtney interrupted and then 'wasn't there' ("Hey, it's Courtney, I'm not here right now so leave a message"...lame). So I'll do that soon.

But really, all that's happened is seeing The Dark Knight, and you were there for that, so I don't have any news. Except maybe that if I see another Batman in the next couple of days I think I will be magically transported into Gotham City and be attacked by the Joker (in a dress...hehe) and die. Because it's pure torture, and that would be more pleasant.


And Val Kilmer is a terrible Batman, by the way. I never realized just how awful until now, when watching Batman Forever.

He's dreadful.

Off to do stuff (really, I'm lying to you. I don't ever do anything),

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

and I'm glad I never grew up on a mountain


Oh, how I hate them. I wish I could squash every last one of them but you can't find them--or anything, for that matter--in this blessed darkness.

Why did I ever let him convince me to go camping? Why? I don't care if he's my best friend, or if I used to like it when I was little. Camping is murder. Why would you want to sleep on the ground, only seperated from the cold, hard dirt by a microscopically thin layer of tarp? You might as well forget the tent all together, because it's not like it keeps the bugs out like it's supposed to. The best part of the miserable experience that is known as camping is looking at the stars, and the tent prevents it. So why not just throw it in the river and be done with it?

We've got sleeping bags. With holes in the ends so your feet are icicles in the morning. It doesn't matter that it's summer. This is the mountains, it's always winter. Except in the day, when it's the heat is nearly blistering. Or actually is, if your as prone to sunburn as my pale skin.

Why, oh why, did I ever go camping?


That started out as a complaint about the crickets last night and how they kept me up till the wee hours of the morn' but then it spurned and grew and evolved in my mind until it became a short story about camping. It's not finished yet, but when it is, I think I'm going to put it on Don't Fret, because I kind of like it and it's cynical tone. It came out of nowhere.

Honestly. I was just thinking about murdering crickets when this fell out of my brain. It was almost like JK's precious idea-dropping fairy wanted to be kind and spread the love to other people.

Of course, that can't be true, because such thing only exists in the mind of a snack-loving, Snape-stealing, dolphin-lover.

But that is really all I wanted to do, complain about crickets and talk about fairies. (They're so pretty).


to figure out how high the world could reach

Friday, July 11, 2008

it's already in my mind

You know, as much as I feel--no, as much as I know that your comment is coming and you're going to yell at me for withholding of information, I almost feel it necessary to say that I'm too distracted to read.

Or write, much less.

Distracted by multiple things. A few of them mentionable, a few not so much.

But I can tell you that being distracted is unpleasant, and 5 months later, I can empathize. I know I'm late...but who cares, right?

So I posted over at Don't Fret/Anger is Good, whatever you'd like to call it. And I was also wondering what you were going to do with the layout. I like the white background and the font, but then the title is boring. And I'm not that connected with the font.

Anyway, I'm just curious what you were going to do with it. I know you said you were messing around with the layout, but you never specified as to how.

And The Dark Knight comes out next week, sadly. So we'll have to find something else to go see tomorrow...that is, if my mom ever pays me.

That's really it, but I thought a new post was needed.

hating headaches, going to charge my mp3 player because it's just sitting there pathetically on my desk, not able to play music, and being distracted,

I'm in over my head inside

Saturday, July 5, 2008

meme's anonymous

I'm a meme-a-holic. So sue me.

1. Choose a few of your own characters. Five at the most.
2. Make them answer the following questions

My Chosen few (I've divided them up among different works):
1. Sawyer
2. Lily
3. Lila
4. Caleb
5. Cali

How old are you?
Sawyer: 19
Lily: Likewise
Lila: Sixteen...unfortunately
Caleb: 16. And a half. Almost have my license. I only just need to pass the test. Then I'll have it!
Cali: 20

Any bad habits?
Sawyer: Nope, I'm golden
Lily: Stop lying. You have plenty of them. I live with you, remember?
Sawyer: Do not!
Cali: You so do. How about leaving the milk open on the counter? Or always losing your car keys? Or how about--?
Sawyer: Fine! I get it. *mumbles: you're just jealous*
Lila: I feel left out
Caleb: me too.
Sawyer: So what about y'all?
Lily: I come off too quiet.
Cali: too loud. forgetful
Lila: Some may say I'm a bit depressed. And have an attitude. I think I'm fine.
Caleb: I let other people get to me.
Sawyer: Okay, teary sappy moment over.

You a virgin?
Lila: Of course!
Caleb: yeah, me too. What about you guys?
Cali: Nope. Neither are you, Sawyer. We all know that.
Lily: ...No...but just the once.
Caleb: None of you are? I'm such a child.
Lila: I'm not either!
Caleb: yeah? and?
Lila: *rolls eyes*

Have any kids?
Lila: obviously not! Hello, no.
Caleb: Ditto.
Sawyer: God, I hope not.
Lily: No
Cali: No

Favourite food?
Sawyer: Burgers and brownie's from the diner.
Cali: oooh! The brownies there are delicious. They're so fudgy and warm.
Sawyer: I know! They just melt in your mouth. Plus, anything from the diner I love.
Lily: Of course you do. Especially since that was where--
Sawyer: Shh!
Cali: What? oh...never mind.
Lila: Mom's cheesecake.
Sawyer: Woah. Where'd she come from.
Lila: I've been here the whole time *rolls eyes once more*
Caleb: Do I get a say? I like Avalanches.
Lila: Those aren't food. They're drinks.
Caleb: They aren't liquid!
Lila: sort of.
Caleb: They're more of a solid-liquid-icy and yet filling beverage. If they're filling, and I can live off of them, they're food.
Lila: you can't live off of them.
Caleb: I can

Favourite ice cream flavor?
Caleb: Mint chocolate chip
Lila: Ew. I hate mint chocolate chip.
Sawyer: Me too.
Cali: What's with y'all? Mint chocolate chip is good.
Caleb: Thank you.
Lily: I like moose tracks.
Sawyer: The diner's butter pecan.
Lila: I hate nuts.
Caleb: do you hate everything?
Lila: No, I like cookies and cream. Duh.

Killed anyone?
Sawyer: You never know...
Cali: Shut up.
Caleb: What kind of question is that??
Lily: A dumb one. Unless, of course, you're the Killers and it can be taken as verbal irony.
Cali: Shut up. *shakes head*
Lila: I don't know...Sometimes I think so.

Hate anyone?
Cali: Yes.
Sawyer: Me? Never...
Lily: Doesn't everybody?
Lila: Yeah...
Caleb: Lila, are you okay? You seem kind of down? Need an Avalanche?
Lila: No. No more Avalanches. My brain is permanently frozen.

Any secrets?
Sawyer: Nope. I don't keep secrets.
Cali: Except from wonderful girls with dark brown hair and blue eyes.
Sawyer: Shut up. I feel like crap already.
Caleb: A few, like any normal teenager. Especially from my mom.
Lila: I've had plenty kept from me.
Sawyer: Someone's bitter.
Cali, Lily, and Caleb: Shut up!

Love anyone?
Cali: Yeah...*sigh*
Lily: Ugh.
Sawyer: I don't know.
Lila: Nope.
Caleb: *eyes Lila* Yeah...Me neither...

Ever slept in all day?
Sawyer: NEVER!
Cali: *snorts* Yeah...sure you haven't.
Sawyer: okay, whatever.
Lily: Nah. I can't sleep past nine
Lila: I've slept for days.
Caleb: Duh.

Favorite band or musician?
Lily: Oh! There's The Honorary Title, and the Killers, and Coldplay, and Aerosmith, and some of the Rolling Stones stuff.
Cali: I really like Kate Voegele and Taylor Swift. And some other stuff. Jack Johnson.
Lila: I love Kate Voegele. But mostly I don't listen to music. Not that often anymore.
Lily: And Stairwell Collapse. State Fair. Green Day, but doesn't everyone? Jimmy Eat World. The Wallflowers. The Eagles. Nirvana.
Caleb: Nirvana is awesome! I really like Good Charlotte. Some of The Maine. just random stuff. Panic!
Sawyer: You're a freak Lily. Honestly.
Lily: Whatever, you music-deprived child.
Sawyer: We're the same age!
Lily: I've got you by a few months, child.
Sawyer: Shut up.
Caleb: You guys say that a lot, don't you.

Eye Color/s?
Caleb: Blue
Lila: Blue
Lily: Blue
Cali: Sorry to break the pattern, but green. And couldn't y'all be more specific. What kind of blue?
Lila, Caleb, and Lily: Nope. Blue.
Sawyer: Brown-ish.

Rain, sunshine?
Cali: Sun.
Sawyer: Rain
Lily: Rain....or sun. I guess sun. It's better for reading.
Sawyer: You're lame.
Lily: I'm jokes. You're tragedies.
Sawyer: What?
Lily: *laughing* Nevermind.
Caleb: Sunlight. It's sparkly.
Lila: You're such a girl. Rain.

Pool, beach?
Lila: Pool.
Cali: Beach
Sawyer: Dits
Cali: What is that?
Sawyer: What's what?
Cali: That 'dits' thing? What is it?
Sawyer: Ditto. Duh.
Cali: You're retarded.
Sawyer: I'm offended!
Lily: I say pool. Less sand to get in my book or on my iPod.
Caleb: Neither. I hate water.

Camping, staying home?
Sawyer: Who the hell camps?
Lily: My father. Camping sucks.
Cali: Camping's not that bad...
Lila: Are you serious?
Cali: Okay, no. Indoors. With the plumbing.
Caleb: I feel left out. I like camping.

Dog, Cat?
Caleb: Dogs, for sure.
Lila: Dogs. I hate cats. Our neighbor had like twenty. ugh.
Cali: eh. Dogs, I guess. I don't dislike cats, though.
Lily: Cats are cool. But I'm more of a dog person.
Sawyer: Dogs. They're manly.
Cali: *rolls eyes*

Do you believe in aliens?
Sawyer: Duh!
Cali: No...that's ridiculous.
Sawyer: I'm not ridiculous.
Cali: I didn't say that.
Sawyer: You implied it, by saying believing in aliens was ridiculous.
Lila: But it is.
Caleb: I don't know. I think they might exist.
Lily: I figure they must. It's kind of inevitable, don't you think? We can't be the only ones in the entire universe.
Sawyer: See??

Car or ship?
Sawyer: Ship. Otherwise too much traffic.
Lila: Car
Lily: Ship, but must I call it that? Why not boat?
Cali: Boat. =)
Caleb: Car. I hate water.

Any unusual things about you?
Sawyer: I'm pure amazing.
Lily: Yeah right. I fight for nerds.
Caleb: What?
Lily: Nothing.
Cali: I don't know. Nothing special.
Lila: I'm double-jointed.

Favourite Place?
Lily: home. But not with my family home.
Sawyer: the diner
Cali: *sigh*
Lila: Home, likewise. But with my family. With my mom.
Caleb: You need an Avalanche, Lila?
Lila: NO! I already said no more!
Caleb: Okay, okay. My favorite place is anywhere on land. Except for that one place.
Sawyer: Way to be mysterious, man.
Caleb: Thanks. I think I perfect it.

Okay, so you guys want to do this now? That is, if you ever got down to the bottom. I've been writing this for over an hour and I deleted some of the questions.

Have at it, and become addicted as I have,

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

inlet sunset

tingling needle points tickle the soles of
my feet, as your attempts at skipping
rocks fail. They succeed, though in creating
pulsing rings that uspest the mirror,
in which a second sky, one smooth as
brass, and in constant movement resides.

The only way to catch the sunlight,
and hold it for hours, like in a fishing
net, is to summon up the clouds to do
your bidding. They look like the day's
last breath, hovering just above the trees,
clinging to the air like words do in winter.

I take a stone from your hand, bouncing
it from palm to palm, testing its weight.
Maybe I could hit the sun I say,
looking into your eyes. Try you say but
you'll have to move quick, only half is left.
I pull my arm back, hard, and throw

the gray pebble, it disappears, with no
business being in such an array of color,
on such a July day, when the air
smells of salt and something else.
It disappears and we never see where it
lands. There are no rings disturbing the sky.

Okay, so I'd like to know if you like it, but I want you to tear it to shreds. This is workshop, tell me what you hate, tell me what to change. This poem is crap, tell me why.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

the world has its ways

I promise to be less depressing in all my posts, from now on.

Today, I'm going to talk about all the good things that have happened since Emily and I parted and went our separate ways in the traffic circle of the school.

So I convinced my mom to take me to Mellow Mushroom, and I've got to say, it did not fail to live up to it's reputation. It's without a doubt the coolest place I've ever been for pizza (I actually got a hoagie, but what does that matter?). And it turns out I wasn't leaving my gov. school friends forever because almost half of the guys part of music was there, along with some girls. Lukas and Julie and Eric were all there. There were quite a few drama girls. Brandon Loftus showed up about five minutes after Julie left. There were two visual arts girls whose names I can't remember, and that's just to name a few. I swear, half the academy population was there (why weren't y'all???????).

I kept a napkin and one of those paper menus that they give you so you can order takeout as souvenirs. It's really cool because on the back of the napkin it has a picture of a mushroom with a recycle sign in it and it says:

This napkin is made with:
Recycled Paper
Bleach-Free Process
Post-Consumer Grade Material
Printed with Soy Ink

So I thought that was awesome and good for the environment...but whatever, maybe I'm just a loser. *shrug*

And then as we left I pointed out all the places we went on our downtown trip to my mom (not that there were that many places) and told her about Mamie's giftcard present.

On the ride, I figured out that I can plug my mp3 player into her car and listen to it instead of the radio that goes in and out all the time or plays tacky commercials and bad music. So after a few hours I did that. Which was an improvement both to the radio and to my broken headphones.

Other than that and waiting in line at Walmart for forever (never, EVER go there in the summer), the rest of Saturday was uneventful.

But today was nice. I've read about three books since I've gotten home and haven't really gone outside, but this afternoon (at about 5 or 6) I went out on my stepbrother's boat and rode around for a while (having short hair is much of an improvement upon riding on the boat before, when my hair was down to my waist--which was the last time I'd ridden his boat). It felt awesome, especially when the sun started to go down. It was really pretty. I actually wrote a poem about it, but I left it in my mom's car and she's at the store right now, so the promised poem will have to be tomorrow. It may not even be that one. I don't know.

The only downer about going to the marina and sitting in the inlet was that a lot of people reminded me of Walker. One of my friends (more of a family friend, but he's only 18 or 19) has sunglasses that he, of course, wears on that string thing...I don't know the technical word for it, and he kept spinning it around like Walker does when we were talking. Actually, lots of people have their sunglasses like that, but he just reminded me of Homewrecka more because he's about his height and he's skinny. A lot more things down at the marina reminded me of him, because people down there fish and wear khakis and Boater's World shirts and belts with fish on them (mainly marlins).

And then I saw a girl that kind of sort of not really looked like Grace from far away. But that's stretching it.

But the water was beautiful, and since it was high tide I could dip my feet in the water real easily, and it felt good.

I love the inlet...except for the smell right after they get off a trip and people are unloading fish. Any other time the salty smell is nice...ish.

So it was a pretty good day.

Hope yours was too,

p.s. Caroline, I'm mad and angry about those infernal twins because they did come home on the 10th and it makes me mad at myself for thinking Zac lied that easily (even though he's capable of it) and at them for not saying anything and Dante ignoring my message asking when they were coming home (actually, everybody's messages) and sad that they haven't called or come over or anything. It's been a long time and I miss them. That makes me sad.

p.p.s. I like Noel and Angelo. I hate Jackson. Tommy is awesome, and unfortunately fictional, even in the fictional realm, and Hutch kind of creeps me out...not terribly, though.

to quiet us down comes the rain

Monday, June 30, 2008

Coldplay warms the heart

I decided to give it a few days before I posted, but that seems a bad idea because I can't cut you off cold turkey (I agree, it is weird not hearing anything from you guys for more than the time between curfew and breakfast...very weird).

So I've kind of been holed up in my room the past few days, listening to my music, reading, crying randomly and only for a few minutes. I miss all of you guys and being home is just weird. Especially since my bed is less comfortable than the one there, I pulled my blinds closed because it wasn't dark enough in my room, I've been reading Litmus, 2007 repeatedly, I've been wearing my blaringly green governor's school t-shirt to bed every night (I couldn't get the football one because they only had large and x-large left), and I keep waking up automatically at about 7 and wanting to go to bed at 11 and expecting to go to class and have a two hour lunch and eat delicious food three times a day and have tator tots and grits for breakfast and see you guys and see Mamie and Scott and Julia and all the other people from creative writing and make fun of Walker (Homewrecka) and go to stupid mandatory fun and crack up at Luke's jokes and stalk people and I'm just so sad that I can't.

It feels like I should be there now. That I'll be going back tomorrow.

I'm also going into writing withdrawal. I started to write yesterday and it felt wrong, somehow. I felt like I should have Mamie there to critique my poems and Scott to tell me my fiction sucks.

But other than the post-gov. school depression, I'm also kind of angry. I feel very teenager.

I'm angry and/or sad about:
1) Dante and Dominic (angry and sad)
2) Being home (sad)
3) Losing my piece of paper that says "Unlock the Door" in Katherine's handwriting (angry)
4) Not having delicious food all the time (angry and sad)
5) Unpacking (nostalgically--is that a word?--sad)
6) The fact that I can't create a better list and that I'm probably depressing y'all (angry =/)

There have been a few good things since I've gotten back. I just can't remember what they are. Especially since I haven't even talked to any of my friends.

I miss you all. I know that only you two (Caroline and Emilea) actually read my blog, but I'm saying this to all of you out in this world (Luke, Emily, Emilea, Jane, Tori, Anna...and then all the other people that didn't eat with us but are very awesome people (Katherine, Zach, Lukas, Megan, Julie, Walker--see how they are next to each other??--Georgia, Mamie, Julia, Scott, Gorgeous Drama Man, and then all the other people)


we've been living a lie, inside a bubble

I promise to be less depressing in my next post (and there will be poetry, something I wrote at GS that you guys didn't read. Or maybe my weird prose/thing about a little girl. But probably poetry)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

my last breath

So this is the last post before we set off. The last every-day post until we (sadly) come back.

I think I'll make a list out of it.

Things Heather Loves:

~new haircuts
~hanging out with Jess (because she's just so entertaining. And has books! and has insane hair, money, a car, and because she's awesome)
~new WWF shirts (really cute ones I might add)
~cookie dough
~One Small Step by P. B. Kerr (a book that is amazing but I've been too excited to finish. Sorry about that, Scott)
~the Hiatus Tour
~messing with her hair (it's so fun and short and cute!)
~talking to my roomsmate/suitesmate
~her 407 new songs (I said I'd tell you how many it ended up being yesterday, but I didn't because I'm slack. So I'm telling you now. 407. That's a lot. It's 42 CDs. Not nearly the 229 that she has, but still, a lot).

Things Heather Dislikes (not quite hates. That's a bit harsh)

~trying to be an efficient packer
~checklists (I swear, if I see another one in my life I will shoot it)
~ugly notebooks (I'm totally buying one when I get there...if that's possible. Or I'm going to steal one of yours)
~getting my hair cut
~storage containers (any kind. You name it. Suitcase, laundry bin, trash basket, shower caddy, bags. whatever)
~when people eat the delicious leftovers from the dinner I cooked

See? The dislike list is much shorter. That means a good day!

See you both tomorrow (Caroline, see you at an hour that should only exist in the pm. Emilea, see you...whenever. I guess some time in the afternoon--the aforementioned pm)!

sweet raptured light it ends here tonight

Friday, June 13, 2008

one liners

Packing must ensue sometime soon. Haircuts will happen tomorrow. This is my post. That's it. The End.


(see our names in city lights)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

musical melodies

I'm glad to hear the news that Caroline's iPod is found, but I'm even glad-er (not a word but more glad sounds stupid) that I've finally gotten around to adding music to my mp3 player. Wanna know why that makes me happier??? Do ya? doya doya doya?

It's because I get to borrow Natasha's CDs and she has about a thousand and it's all guarunteed to be awesome. For instance, I shall list some of the ones I've added already and I've only gone through a third of her music.

Jack Johnson (3 CDs, including one song from Curious George soundtrack--Upside Down. The only one I felt like adding from thatCD)
Cartel (new obsession with them)
Journey Greatest Hits (yes, that includes Don't Stop Believin')
Jon McLaughlin (new discovery)
James Blunt
Goo Goo Dolls
Evanescence (I don't know what the Sher-Pas were talking about when they wrote in the lines "If it's Evanescence you will be severely mocked." I personally love Evanescence)
Carrie Underwood (Some Hearts)
Boys Like Girls (since you don't seem to remember to let me borrow it ever)
Avril Lavigne

And there are many more that will be added. The Beatles especially.

That's a lot of music. I'm curious as to how many songs I'll have now after I finish this. I had 277 before. I'll let you guys know in the next post.

That's all my news.


trouble travels fast...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I am the enemy

Seriously. What was that supposed to mean??

But tonight was definitely fun. Before the youth group. Because that was just weird and confusing and we are such wayward souls.

So I come home, right? And I say to my mother. "Mother," I say, "why is it that we never made home movies? Danielle's family has boxes upon boxes of them. Mother, we should have made home movies."

And now I'm all sad because I don't have any hilarious home movies to laugh at with all my friends. And I never danced, so I wouldn't have had very good ones anyway... =)

But I got Chik-fil-a ice cream on the way home. So that makes a grand total of three on the ice cream count. Granted, Chik-fil-a wasn't as delicious as the ice cream at youth, and the ice cream at youth wasn't as delicious as the ice cream at Danielle's house, but it was still ice cream. And now I'm realizing how ridiculous it sounds to say 'ice cream' and how it doesn't look like a word anymore. (or words)

Like when I had to write Vereen on pieces of masking tape on all the desks in Mrs. Vereen's room on the last day of school and I kept thinking I was spelling it wrong because it stopped looking like a word. And when I had to do the same for Mrs. Riddle.

Are you going to Beach Fest? Apparently I might on Friday, don't know, though.

Anyway, I'm out

missing the twins, hoping they're home, dying for it to be Sunday,

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I'm like Christopher Columbus (except way cooler)

So many discoveries have been made in the past few weeks. Top Five? Here you go:

1) The Maine
2) Hope's dislike for people
3) I'm bad at remembering the things I was going to blog about whilst being good at remembering what the main idea of the blog is
4) I can't remember my other discoveries
5) Not being able to remember is annoying.

I have had very little to post about, but of course there is another poem. Read on my friends.

she wonders over to him,
melancholy at the prospects--
and shaken with worry

not that she likes him (she
only likes him) because
it's just a seed, a
planted weed

tearing up her mind
and she can't seem to
pick them all and leave
the flowers

but she doesn't want
this (she doesn't think so)
scared eternally of
confessions, proclamations

it's incontrovertible this
thing (he's not that kind--
a friend)
yet she's irrevocably
fallen into the garden

and the weeds start to
take on a shape, a form
of yellow petals,
evolving to gray fuzz

she inhales like it's her
last, blow (the greatest
gust) and wishes, the deep
kind--11:11--and begins to
wonder over to him


Monday, June 9, 2008

short, like Jessica

So technically, I haven't yet failed at this posting-every-day thing. Because I still have 30 minutes left. Hoo haa!

Didn't know it was possible to:

♥Go to the beach during the summer
♥Go to the beach right next to Caroline's house without her
♥Hate something (or someone) so much
♥Forget there was only one day left
♥Eat that much cookie dough
♥Feel sorry for Olivia (I'm right there with you, Caroline)
♥Get tired of cookie dough
♥Create advertisement for 5 gum that is both ridiculous and hilarious but sure to be put on TV one day when at the beach...and talking about sharks...what?
♥Wait to read a sequel after such a cliff-hanger
♥Want to go to Beijing this much
♥See one movie 6 times in 3 days
♥Play a game with Amy for more than 2 minutes (a hours)
♥Have better waves here (and a stronger current) than in Isle of Palms
♥Find the YA Mansion

The possibilities are endless.

Heather (I think the heart would have been a bit redundant if I'd put it here too)

Sunday, June 8, 2008


In which Caroline is ripped off, Heather realizes her boredom, and music resounds in the background, playing it's melodic tune that she's fallen very deeply in love with.

I shall blog. Every day. Except for those two VERY fine weeks in which I will be away from my family (yay! You have no idea how much I love that after last night...*sigh*)

Honestly I'm Instability
Show me how to let you in
I'm making mistakes
I'm falling, I'm falling again
I have built all the walls
For no one to use at all
This is overjoyed
Tracing lines in summer skies at night
And with or without a reason why
We'll always be wondering if we're ever right
I'm convinced that if we turned the lights off the world might surrender
I insist, by breaking the rhythms, love will fall into step again
This sound is lacking direction
These empty rooms are a prison
Your words ring hollow and aimless
And you are here denying what?
Oh, this seems out of reach
Taking every breath we'll ever need
With no assurance I can see
We'll unlatch the gate and set them free
I confess I did not even once believe the air would surround me
I can see, by breaking the rhythms, love has found me again and again
This sound is lacking direction
(These empty rooms are a prison)
Your words ring hollow and aimless
And you are here denying what you see
(This heavy breath is a prism)
This time we're all gonna listen
The stage is coming to life now
When you start to sing, "Hallelujah!"
We shut our eyes
And smile to ourselves
~Stairwell Collapse~
And so it begins... The summer of change, of music, of poetry, dancing, memories, and friends.
What do you know? It could actually be fun doing this everyday...
Lila calls,

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hmm...comments on comments

Hello all! (two...) I know I haven't actually posted a real post in a while, so I decided to today (actually, it was even before I read your comment Caroline! Weird, huh?)

Anyways...I just read Caroline's comment on
Steph's blog (see below) and felt it necessary to comment on her comment. Well, and on her comment on my blog here. On the last post. About the king of the fairies. I'll do that after the long one, though. So it'll be at the bottom.

Here it is, Caroline's (your) original comment:

Caroline said...

Because I am oh-so-creative (another sign of impopularity) I have compiled a list of the various misdemeanors throughout my school career that have led to impopularity. :D

K)Sing the ABCs when the teacher asks you to recite them. When she repeats herself, say that you can only do it singing.

1)Be the Teacher's Pet.

2)Read. Write mean things about classmates in a journal that will inevitably be
discovered and read aloud at some point.

3)Get really unflattering glasses that are bright blue in color and Harry Potter in style. Attempt to make friends in your class.

4)Spend a lot of time with one close friend. Cry when Heather rats you out for talking in the bathroom and you get detention.

5)Sing a song by the Cheetah Girls for your fifth grade talent show.

6)Confide your crush on a popular guy to Heather, because she'll repeat it a bit too loudly and the popular girl will hear you and then everyone will find out on field day and you'll have to go home sick.

7)Write a boy who likes you a list of reasons why you hate him so much. Include a limerick about his teeth. That's sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

8)Find a small group of friends who are equally uncool(but equally awesome, too) and do bizzare things. Have marker wars, randomly burst into song. People will think you are in a cult and not talk to you because you might offer them red Kool-Aid. Encourage this rumor.

9)Behave in a relatively anti-social manner when not with your friends (you know, the kids in the cult) and refuse to tell the popular people what that thing you're writing down is.

(Surprisingly enough, they still want to know.)

Email me at the Plenty of Paper address(it's on Heather's comment) and put Caroline in the subject line. :)


PS: Awesome contest idea!

June 3, 2008 8:45 PM

Here's my response: (I was originally typing it in as another comment on Steph's blog, but decided it would be better suited as a blog post.) Also, my numbers corollate with her (your) numbers...well... grades

K) You know what's really weird? I did that too! haha. My kindergarten one is...sort of like the ABCs one. Count to 483 when your teacher tells you to count to 100 (even when she tells you to stop, you just walk away, still counting)

1) Does proving your first grade teacher wrong in math because you did it the way the third graders do and that's not a first grade requirement count as being a teacher's pet? (ahh, now I'm all nostalgic)

2) I...hmm...I don't know. I guess I read, but I can't really count just a few months as a whole grade... I think leaving the class for about an hour and a half every day to do testing so that I could officially leave the class made me unpopular... sort of. *shrugs*

3) Come into the class a quarter late, a year younger, and a lot smarter (but don't be in the specialized classes--Beach--so that the people not smart enough to be in those classes spend more time with you and begin to hate you.

4) Haha...I remember that. It was a very entertaining moment...back when we hated each were such a loser, lol. JK! (okay, so I'm not, but I didn't say you are now). For some reason, make Reid Simpson not like you so that you end up loosing your best friend because she's close to Reid and decides to be a conformist.

5) you will never live that down!!!! Anyway: Spend every recess in the music room with your two BEST friends in the whole world and pop blown up ziploc bags. Once the first graders come in, help them out with their instruments. Don't make any contact with another fifth grader.

6) Roll your eyes at immature popular boys. Become friends with unpopular people (ahem, Caroline). Make fun of this kid that stares at you all the time and then if you glance at him he says "Why are you staring at me???!!!???" Laugh about aforementioned kids stalker skills. Sit at a table with your dork magnet best friend for lunch. That is sure to bring those pesky dorks to your table as well. Play the Guess The Fruit game every day. (I really did set my unpopularity in stone in sixth grade, didn't I?)

7) Hmm...I can't think of anything... Oh! Always be in a group with people you don't like (and nobody else does) in english class.

8) This was a good year for us. Marker wars...random song outbursts... Mine: Sing Spice Girls songs with Allison every day outside. Say you hate Mr. Bankert's class. Say you like Mrs. Gordon's class. Make fun of popular guys for their english papers (AAAAATTTTTUUUUKKKKKAAAAAMMMMAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Have very awkward moments where friend of aforementioned popular guy says that you and popular guy should date because you bicker like an old married couple.

9) Do not answer when questioned. Say 'nothing' a lot. Become Nerdfighter. Don't answer questions about the song your singing (where would America be?), the binder cover your drawing ( JOKES...), or the hand motion your making. Wear confusing (and AWESOME) t-shirts. Don't answer when people ask you about it.

It's a complicated art I've perfected.

So that's comment on comment numero uno. Comment on comment numero dos:

Caroline said...

I'm going to be extremely hypocritcal and tell you that I'd like for you to write a blog entry.

I know.

You've written one more recently than I have.

That's why I'm not rudely demanding that you write another blog entry. It's a polite request. What I am demanding is that you let me read this story (the one in the post below) because it sounds really amazing and I really want to.


PS: I really thought I'd commented on this already.

PPS: Who is this king of fairies person?

June 3, 2008 8:57 PM

You are being hypocritical. But I forgive you. I shall put said story on website (that one, that the totally unbiased civilian's name linked to? yeah, that one). I'm not very far, though. I'll be writing more in the next couple days. I really thought you'd commented on it already, too. This kind of fairies person is Oberon. I introduce you. He left a comment on The Ravenous Reader's blog. Here it is:

Oberon said...

......sometimes.....i talk to strangers.......what?

June 1, 2008 9:47 PM

Yes, and so I went to his blog and left a comment asking him if he was the king of the fairies. This was the reply:

Oberon said...

......thanks for your comments and.....yes.....i'm king of the fairies.

June 2, 2008 10:59 PM

So now we're all caught up on the commentary comments, so I'll stop saying the word comment. Right...NOW.

Heather (I feel like
Maureen Johnson now)

I encourage you to click on all the links. =D