Sunday, May 24, 2009

I think about my lack of future

but all the things I have planned. It's kind of an amazing thing to have no substantial, solid future that is set in stone but to to have so many plans you don't know what to do with them.

Just as Caroline felt due for a new, upbeat post, so did I. It's not like there are any improvements upon life, or drastic events to report, just a change in mood, "a change of heart, a change of clothes." I have that itch for summer and all the happy, lighthearted feelings that come with it in the last two weeks of school. Even people like me who love the school year and hate bits of the summer anticipate the end of the year like everyone else. It's the weather, and the relaxed atmosphere that does it, I think.

I think the biggest change, though, is in my ability to share things with people. I think gs did it for me. Having to get to know people and become friends with them in such a short period of time changed me, I think, though it took the change nearly a year to fully manifest itself. I mean, it's amazing how close I've become to Kristen and Cam just by having a single class with them, and how much I've been able to tell them. I don't tell people things. It's just not me. And they know pretty much everything. No more than my best friends know, and not quite as much, but definitely a lot more than I ever expected to tell them. This is a positive change, for sure.

Also, having conversations with Kristen off and on all night Friday? Yeah, I learned quite a few things. Like that I'm not as much of a phenomenon as I thought.

This post had no set goal in mind, nor a planned topic of discussion. I don't even know what I will say for the rest of it, though I don't want to leave it at his. Other than I saw Zack Hodges today. Not in reality, but a guy who looked just like him. This doppelganger had the same posture, the same protruding adam's apple, the same glasses, and, if I dare say, the same wild hand gestures. I didn't hear his voice, as he was in a car and I was on a bus, and we were not within range (due to the closed windows and the metal and the air and whatnot), but I'm sure he sounded like Zack, too. It's a shame it wasn't actually him, though it wouldn't have mattered. We were going in opposite directions on a street, me to school, him to...well, I'll never know. Maybe his grandmother's house? Or Wal-Mart? Maybe he was going to play in a park?

Oh, well. I guess that concludes my post. I have a poem I think I'll put on Don't Fret later, but right now, it isn't a full triangle. I'm writing it for an english assignment, and I like it a lot so far, if only it was a full triangle. =)


and all the places I could learn to fall in love

Saturday, May 9, 2009


is tired of hearing about Austin C's face in a toilet.
was abandoned at Habitat (or would have been if Amy didn't want her hair cut. wtc?)
is glad she knows who to be friends with and has chosen the right people.
wants bacon.
is "word" (haha. Apparently, Austin R. enjoys denoting his agreement this way)
has this jittery calm feeling still...
is to be told lots of things by Kristen on Monday
is once again writing about Habitat.
is tired of having so many things to put as her status but never wanting to put them and never wanting them to be seen.
wants to write in "The Book" but doesn't want to tell them anything.

Also, Heather is posting because she feels like having something new up here. And because I have nothing better to do.

Apparently we're still doing habitat on Saturdays until it's done/school is over. Which is awesome. Next week: planting. I'm still working on getting the info for future habitat things (as in the ones in the summer, in tennessee and such)

Summer. It feels really close. It really is almost here and this year I know I'll actually enjoy all of it. For once. At least, I'm hoping so. I'm also hoping to do Swamp Fox (For anna and emilea, this is essentially a community theater in georgetown that our friend Kristen asked us if we wanted to do with her, and from what I hear, it's pretty awesome), but rehearsals are rigorous and take up a lot of the day and the performances start about when school does, so I probably can't do it because of volleyball. Which sucks. I love spending my time in a "theater" (our auditorium doesn't really count as such) with awesome drama nerds. I can't wait until our next WHAT meeting to vote for officers and everything. I think I'll run for president next year, vp this year or something. Treasurer would be nice, too, because I'd know how much money we have and wouldn't be guessing in the dark. Plus, I know how to do that already. I don't want secretary though.

You know what else feels close--due to facebook letting me see everything anyone ever does? Your departure, anna and emilea. Not like you're really close right now, but next year you will be far away together with all those other awesome people. I'm a bit jealous and also already formulating plans for visiting.

emilea, I'm really hoping to see you soon. Have you figured out when? I miss you lots. And I don't know if I ever told you this (or if Caroline did) but our friend Allison got her hair cut short--about a month ago-- and from the side, she kind of looks like you. Or did before I made myself stop thinking that and now I just don't noticed. But she looked a lot like you, with her short red hair and whatnot. It was kind of amazing. Made me miss you more, too.

Speaking of, is there any way the both of you could finnagle your way into a vehicle with us for a mass trip to Raleigh on June 23? If I said it was for Owl City and Relient K? I mean, we don't even know if we'll be allowed to go yet, but if we are, I want to figure out a way for both of you to come as well. That's the closest they'll be on tour and the cheapest tickets, luckily.

Anyways, I'm really out of topics of bloggery, so I'm going to go dream. (daydream is more likely, because I probably won't fall asleep anytime soon)