Thursday, February 28, 2008

Attack of the brooms!

So you know when something takes you by surprise and you're caught completely off guard. All you can think is Wha-huh? wtf. what just happened? did I hear what I thought I did? Question Mark!!!!

Or: Who is this person that has taken over Zac's life? Really. This creep has invaded him and started making him do things. bad things. and good. and...weird. hmm... I'd like to find out who this person is that saying that him and his girlfriend should make babies, but he'll make sure to wear a condom...?

Yeah. My thoughts exactly.

Since when does Zac write????????

You see, sitting in Mrs. Vereen's class (being completely scared to the point of hiding under my desk because she's giving me the eye not only for talking, but for reading, too, by the way) Zac says he wrote something. A story. Possibly a book/novel. Possibly. Hmmm....weird. Zac just got hooked on phonics (by me!) and now he's writing?

That's like someone taking a broom upside your head when you expect them to be spitting a watermelon seed at you or something. I expected the watermelon seed to be a inscription for the blank pages at the back of Caroline's book. It turned out it wasn't that little watermelon seed at all. It was the big heavy broom.

And I'm not talking Swiffer. I'm talking big, heavy, thick wood with really bristly bristles on the end that stab at you until you want to rip your hair out. I'm not just getting attacked by the handle of the broom. I'm getting attacked by the straw on the end, too.

And this mysterious (oooooo) form that's taking over Zac is the one doing the swatting.


okay, moving on:

I've decided to completely rip off every author in the world.



haha. No, I'm not ripping off Libba Bray. Not. At. All.

It's a tad different. Just like mustache-boy is a "tad" creepy. :D

I've decided to do a weekly... umm... day? I can't think of the word I was planning on using there so I'll go with day even though it doesn't even mean the same thing I meant to mean when I meant to use that word that means something different than that means.

OPTIONS: (Vote on which one you want. You can pick up to two, because I'm nice and I feel the pain of those indecisive people. I'm one myself. to the extreme)
Starting with my favorites:

1) Funny Photo Friday(and no, I didn't mean for it to be alliterate): I post an obscured picture and you have to guess what it is. Or just a really funny picture.
2)Video Thursday: I find a video on youtube or make on and post it (that is, If I can figure out how to work that...)
3)Poem Saturday: if you don't know what that is, wow. It's pretty self-explanatory, but...I'll explain anyway. I write a poem. I post it. The end.
4)Quote Teusday: also self-explanatory. I find a quote. Post it.
5)Song Friday: If I can, I'll add a song on here that I feel fits my week/mood. Or if I can't do that, I'll just title the post after a song and put my favorite part of the lyrics at the end.
6)Fact Friday(that one was meant to be alliterate): Five interesting facts of the week or whatever
7)Manic Monday(alliteration. ahh): Three craziest things to happen all week.

Okay, cast your votes.
For other, give me an idea. I dont' post regularly enough, or I post too much so this might steady things...

Or just make me look like a crazy geek that reads too many books which doesn't even have to do with this but I though I might throw that in and now I'm rambling and that's not good because I'll keep doing it until someone stops me or I run out of ways to keep the uber long sentence going which I'm about to do because I don't have anything else to say. *inhale*


Monday, February 25, 2008

keeping promises

Ok, so I'm kind of fearing for my life right now. But I'll explain that later, first:

Does anyone here need a bookshelf? Honestly. Anyone? If you do, come to my house. I'm giving one away. You wanna know why?

Do ya?


Because I got a brand spankin' new one, that's why!!!

And it's purty. It's big and large and tall and big and enormous and wide and big and pretty and big and brown and big and big and big and big!

It has 6, nice, long shelves.(It's six feet tall!) It covers, like, half of my wall (and this is a pretty big wall.) But this is where the fearing for my life comes in. You see, I've mentioned it's big, haven't I? Well, it is. And, standing next to it, I feel intimidated. Small. A minuscule amount in this big wide universe of ours. I feel like it's going to collapse on top of me at any second and I will be crushed and trapped and won't come out for years (but I'll have plenty to read). I think, I might make a game out of it. "How Long Until You're Crushed??" Great game, right? And once I do get crushed, another game: "Can You Spare Your Oxygen?" You see, these are question games. Games to be played when you think you already have an answer. These are games like "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" except, better, of course.

But these games have something regular games don't. They involve books. They involve the actual intelligence it takes to read. I mean, come on, anyone can answer questions like "Who won the Superbowl in 1982?" or "What is the scientific name for a panda bear?" and, I kid you not, these are actual questions on the computer version of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?"

But it takes someone real special to be able to *gasp!* read.

I'm telling you, I could make millions with this game. Billions, in fact.

Wanna play??

But, moving on to something that won't make you feel bad for your lack of creative skills in coming up with amazing games, oysters are slimy and disgusting and gross. The only ones I like are the little, itty bitty ones. I mean, this kid Jaimie was like slurping them up and chewing them and it was absolutely...vomit-inducing.

Well that and his ridukulus southern accent. "Ya seeee, we gots these bigol' ersters an' Ah lurv ta jus' slurp emup. ther reely guhd. ya don' geddem like that her"

I swear, he said that. And, I beg to differ. Our oysters are big, and salty, and the best in South Carolina (or so I hear, seeing as I don't actually eat them) I mean, HELLO, it is the seafood capital of SC and oysters are seafood. But, hey, go ahead believing what you want "Jaimie"

Big, fat, skinny hick. :D

And he had a Zac mustache. You know, one of those little fuzzy ones that are just visible on their pale skin? The ones that look so ridiculous on some people? People like Zac? or Jaimie? (and, yes, they would look ridiculous on your sister, but that's not who I'm talking about)

You know what I mean, SWANGIRL??

I had to do it. I had to refer to you/her anonymously.

But I hope this post was up to your standards, caroline. I really do. I hope it was worth the false hope that I gave you, just like the fireworks show in Epcot has false endings (LIKE 10!!!!)

humming accio deathly hallows, transferring books to my new bookshelf, nodding to the music inside my head,

Sunday, February 24, 2008

another friggen post

you know, I knew that was coming. I just knew it. There was no doubt in my mind that you would be ordering me around soon and telling me to write another friggen post. No doubt in the slightest.

But since I have a mountain of homework right now, and it's already 9:43 on Sunday (because I'm a slacker, I know), This is the extent of the post right now. But tomorrow, I promise my most amazing promise, I will post. Something good, interesting (ok, probably not)

I will.

I promise


Sunday, February 17, 2008

the more I previously mentioned

Ok, caroline, sorry it wasn't the same day, the computer was comandeered (sp? it does NOT look right)

That was the best concert I've ever been to. Of course, I've never been to any other concert before, but I'm sure if I had, that would have been the best concert I've ever been to. Because you guys were there and because it was amazing and because I was introduced to the amazing-ness that is Love and Theft and because it was Taylor Swift and because of the hilarious pictures we took afterwards.

It was great.

So is amazon.

I compiled a list of 12 new and used books on amazon and it's going to cost $25.88 for the whole lot plus the per-shipment charge of $3.00. I hope my mom lets me get them. I've been wanting to read some of these books forever. I hope my mom is very, very nice and lets me get them.

I'm planning on going out and looking for a job this weekend. Yes, I know it's Sunday, but I'm counting this weekend until Tuesday because we don't have school until Wednesday.

Long weekends are great when you have something to do. Like Williams party. I have to go. Courtney has to go. You go on and go to T.G.I.F.'s with John( so mean >:( ugh!) and Chloe. Go and eat the amazing chocolate peanut butter pie that you will regret for 3 days, then realize how amazing it was and it's not like you can't excersise to burn off the 1,000 calories you consumed while eating it and so you'll go for a run, or maybe even a bike ride, end up at starbucks and consume another 100 calories by getting the sugariest drink they have, then decide that didn't help get rid of the other calories you are filled with so you'll go home feeling all happy but fat at the same time.

Have fun! :D

But I'll be busy dancing to Avince and partying with Courtney and since it's Williams party, you know there will be awkward (sqwakward, wait, that looks so weird, how do you spell it, emilea?) moments but all in all it will be fun. And I won't be gaining any unnessecary weight. Haha.






The Host is so good. Or, at least, the first chapter. It was great. You should read it. And I should buy it. Too bad it doesn't come out until May 6. :( But Chosen comes out in...hold on...1, 2, 3...17 days! (I think) And then just 20 more until City of Ashes. Yay!

Yes, I wrote a substantial post!! Yay!

but I also have a poem. I actually have two that I want to put on here but I'm only gonna do one for today. This is gonna be a long post if I use one of them (it's a long poem) so I'm gonna use the other (I kind of like it better anyway)

solid waiting as the
hands tick--thump--by
those year long
that turn to seconds
and back again (not
slow or fast
or in-between, but all
of the above as the
hands thump(pound) by)
and other than the
clock counting the time,
rythmic beating, the only
is none and all
that fill that none: the
bird, the wind whipping leaves
against windows, the
slight humming of the heat
/air conditioner
as the hands pound--tick--by
and I'm left

*smiles all around*

Saturday, February 16, 2008

short and quick

I promise to post more later, but right now, all I have to say is, THE CONCERT WAS AWESOME!!!

and along with allison I have a new obsession. They are called Love and Theft. I love Dancing in Circles. I just listened to it and love it so much!!

well, that's all I had to say right now. More to come later, I'm out of time.

(emilea, you might like some of her other songs besides teardrops on my guitar...possibly mary's song or picture to burn)

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Single Awareness Day.

That's it. No Valentine included. It's those three words right there. I am overjoyed at the amount of candy involved, but I'm right there with you, caroline. Hate this day.

zac bought katlyn 12, count them 12!!! carnations. And a white gold necklace(gorgeous btw). And christo got caitlin a huge, I mean huge box of candy. GINORMOUS!
And people kept talking about all these gifts and stuff and how sweet it was and awe...

I cannot tell you how many times I heard that small, little, annoying syllable uttered today. Mostly by hannah(ugh). I hate the whole idea of this day! It's hallmark created to earn money. It's not a real holiday based on anything real. It's based off of a priest(later saint) named Valentine that wed people that weren't allowed to be married. I think this Valentine fellow is completely bs. A fictional character developed in the minds of evil people. People that were definitely in relationships and in love.

Here's to those people and that stupid idea:


that day is here

that dreadful
day of poems being
told, hugs being given, kisses
being shared--

that day. that once
a year day that haunts
those not in 'the circle':

lovers, daters, secret

those people, we wound
with ribbons and pretty
little bows with
sweet pink
hearts tied with string

we fed them chocolate
until there were
no more little candy hearts
that taste like cherry cough

it's that day of

a profitable holiday(if
even deserving of such a
title) for makers of bouqets and
packers of chocolates
and writers of cards:

artificially heart-shaped, filled
with sappy poems, I
love yous and big wet

that day is here of
self-pity and
loathe of shattering, crumbling

a fulfiller of sins: lust,
wrath, vanity,
sloth, greed, gluttony,

that day of all seven
of these formidable things--
all rolled in one pink
white and red


that sounds bad, doesn't it? It sounds like I'm a cynical freak. Cynical? On occasion. A freak? sometimes. Both in one? I didn't think so, maybe I am. Maybe I'm completely against anyone in love. Maybe I hate the idea. I don't think I do. I'm pretty sure, as a matter of fact. I just hate the day, this day. I hate SAD. Why do you think so many people commit suicide?



because it's a sucky day.

lovingly yours *smile innocently*,

Saturday, February 9, 2008

I'm so confused... : \

Why the hell is it so HOT??? It's February for goodness sakes! It's February the 9th to be specific. It shouldn't be 70 or so degrees outside! I just went for a walk and started sweating! And it's really, really, really bright, too. What is wrong with this picture? It feels like late April! Wow, I'm using a lot of exclamation points.(!) But seriously, what is going on?!

This is so screwed up. It's a gorgeous day, though. I don't even know why I'm inside right now...oh, yea. I ran out of things to do outside. I could read in the lawn chair, but in about 45 minutes or less it will be dark outside. And then I'll have to come back inside...and it will all just get very messy.

I'm wondering, though, exactly how far away is April? I mean, January went by really fast, and February is going slow, but at what speed will March go? And will I have money to buy books in March? Will I have enough money to buy a t-shirt at the Taylor Swift concert on Friday? Will I be able to survive through this week to make it to Friday?

I'm just chalk full of questions. For instance, why do they say 'chalk full'? And who is 'they'? And why do 'they' get to make up all these sayings and stuff? I'm almost positive no one will ever be able to ask that question. Maybe Libba Bray will with all her amazing knowledge of all things strange...maybe not.

I'm missing a lot of things/people, now: Dante, Mr. Bubbles Kitty (who was only slighty mentioned in the most recent post), having something to do, money, Dominic (I guess, but not as much as the cooler twin), the Twilight series (I may just have to go reread Twilight when I get off, and shirk--haha, cool word--off the rest of the books I have to read), Allison and Courtney--talking to them, at least--people e-mailing me... lots of things.

But mainly, I'm content with now. Ugh, groan, I have to do my projects for global studies and science...ugh. I have to do a ridiculous webquest (why is it a webquest if I'm only going to one website. and I'm not even 'questing' on that site. it's a ridiculously tedious and boring project that requires a lot of typing and patience--which I don't have) and a lab report (shoot me now) and yet another model of an atom. This is like the 3rd atom I've had to make. And both my previous ones were really, really bad.

And those teachers were very slack on their grading processes. Mrs. Vereen...not so much. She's like a vicious squirrel!!!! All nice and smiley on the outside, but evil at heart. And completely insane, I didn't mention that before.

well, I'm gonna get to work on that...

p.s. emilea, please comment on the poems from my last post :D

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Heather is SUPER DUPER excited (and a little afraid...)

WE HAVE READERS!!!! EEEK!!!!!! I knew that commenting on Maureen Johnson blog would pay off!!! I'm so excited I can't type right now. I think I've just hit the backspace button more than any other key on the keyboard (possibly excluding e and a). EEK!!! that's so amazing. And readers leads to discussion, which leads to being well-known, which leads to interviews/advanced readers copies! EEK!! I don't think I can say that enough! EEK!

so clearly, you know what I'm excited about, but not the thing that has to do with that little nagging fear that bites at you like a mosquito. Okay, so it's not that serious. I'm talking about being afraid of getting the flu (well that's serious) and the amount of poetry. I wrote 7. SEVEN in the last 24 hours. 6 last night, 1 this morning on the bus. I'm only going to post two, the one I wrote this morning (and that Caroline has read...) and one from last night that I'm not so sure if I like. Maybe I do like it. Maybe I don't. I think by putting it on here, it will make me like it, lol.

Here goes:

Do you know where I live?
Where my heart is?
of course not, you couldn't.
I don't think you live there with me, with
us, our home. it's those
piles of print telling their story(our
story)--my story--of
fortunes and failures and
falling in love.
it's where my heart is.
is yours? is it with those
people I hold so near? with the
tales and treasures and
talking of love?
it should be. we live
together in bungalows and buildings and
barracks with love.
Do you know where I live?
Where my heart is?

the paint strokes across the canvas
gentle—and rough—thick and thin
melting the canvas into something
it isn’t, something that lies beneath:
a lush meadow

the heavy pencil scratches
the paper, leaving it’s mark behind
more scratches make eyes, a
mouth, a beautiful woman

the notes float across the
silence, as the brush and the pencil
do (as your words do) forming
something new, a masterpiece of
beauty and grace

it’s larger, more intricate than
that of the canvas and
paper. it covers the silence, swaying,
pounding, loving.

the beautiful woman dances
in the meadow

all right. what do you think of the first one? I think I'm leaning towards liking it. This obscene amount of poetry has to stop(okay, it doesn't have to stop, it's not bad. It just has to start scaring me less).

(I hope all is well with you and yours and if it is not, it is my sincere desire that things get better for you. I hope you are having a spectacular day, a Thrilling Thursday. Our tentative plan for today is...)

^did I get it right? Or close enough?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

[Their Song]

breaks free from the
tightening grip of music
and the last melodic note
hangs in the air, hovering
still ringing through her ears. she
closes her eyes--breathe
soaks it all up, a cloth,
absorbing the liquid noise
that isn't there
but is still hidden under that
small pink but-ton
just waiting to be grasped again,
to be heard. her thumb
lingers, many sizes bigger, swallowing
it up, indecisive and waiting
for a signal, some sign or another
that tells her to press and

as much as I'm waiting for next Friday to come, it's the here and now that I am in. Here and now isn't so bad, is it? Just uneventful. Chlo-chlo! Excited for her, except she already has the natural drama that comes with that whole situation, lol. somebody was upset, it was awkward...I don't have all the details because, apparently, Kenny deserves to know before any of us and she was talking to him. I mean, I guess he's friends with Jonathan....whatever. Enough of that.

How was Mardi Gras in French? In general? At all?

going to the mounds of homework,
going to decide on a song that describes 'who I am',
going to go slummin' in paradise,

Sunday, February 3, 2008

silence speaks louder than words

it was...different. Than I expected. Very different. Comfortable. Relaxing yet still completey nerve-wrecking. And it was Starbucks filled. I did not see one person after the masterclass that didn't have Starbucks or that wasn't going to Starbucks or that hadn't gone to Starbucks. I went to Starbucks and took comfort in the warm caramel macchiato that I downed in about 5 seconds.

It was delish! lol. And, I keep saying this, but I met Lukas With A K and he was cute and nice and played guitar and wrote and went to a special arts school with 2 other people that were there and was German (he didn't have an accent, but he was still German) and wasn't obnoxious or anything like that. He seemed to be a great person. And I keep talking about him. God, I have problems.

And Walker is a guy. A guy with a very very very strong southern accent. I mean, a really strong southern accent.

In the interview it was really quick. I hope that's a good thing. The didn't give any indication either way. Looking back, there wasn't much silence. That's good, right? I think so. But we did get off subject of things relating to anything with our discussion of Sam's Corner and the mean guy that's probably dead that used to work there with the really bad teeth...that doesn't seem good. And my reason for wanting to go sounds stupid now that I think about it...the masterclass wasn't that unknown though. It doesn't affect me getting in as much... and I liked my sonnet. It was good, I think. But overall, I think it went well...or, at least, I hope it did.

And I went ice-skating and fell four times. It was great. Except for this really annoying kid in a blue shirt that ran into me a lot and when he wasn't running into me he was almost running into me or throwing around the walker things that little kids and bad skaters use or running into other people that weren't me.

I don't want to go back to school tomorrow and ruin this weekend's momentum. I want the letter telling me if I got in or not to come now. In my mailbox. I have a mailbox!! I've never had a mailbox. It's really weird. And I feel like checking the mail again even though I did two hours ago and, of course, there wouldn't be anything in it...whatever.

It's really quiet in here. I can here the faint sound of the super bowl and people laughing. but it's definitely more silent that loud. that's very unusual for my house. Unless no one's here...

Still awaiting news. It was only yesterday so, obviously, there wouldn't be any...

lovingly, apparently emo-ly, and excitedly yours,