Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Monster Collection of Moleskin Tips, Tricks, and Hacks

can be found right here:

That and also the email I sent to you (emilea and caroline) from which I got the above link in the first place.

I've actually spent an entire 2 and half hours reading all about Moleskines (pathetic, yes, I realize, but the Moleskine is a sacred and amazing notebook that is also owned by one Margo Roth Spiegelman, and therefore assumedly--is that a word?--by one John Michael Green). There are so many awesome things I didn't know about my beautiful notebook. And it's nice to learn about them. Plus, I got to see some really awesome artwork and such that artists have put in their Moleskines. One guy even had his Moleskine framed open to the page. Actually, it was the first thing he drew in the otherwise brand new notebook, and it was astounding. It was so intricate and yet simple at the same time. I loved it, and the idea of framing a notebook.

But besides obtaining new information about notebooks, I also was informed that DANTE HAS READ MY BLOG!!!!!!

He sent me a message that said something about me using the word flabbergast. He said:



just one of the many wierd and Akward sounding funny words that YOU say :D"

And I asked him what were some of the many weird and awkward sounding funny words that I said? And he replied:


Give me a minute

Ill go check you blog

Err, If I can find it haha"

[all grammatical errors in Dante's quotes made by Dante himself. I've corrected, but all I've gained is the title of Grammar Nazi]

So there. He has read my blog.

Which simultaneously excites me and freaks me out to the point where I sat in my room for a few hours wondering what the heck he had read and when and why did he never say anything about it and am I sure I changed the url before that post?

But I'm pretty much past that moment now. As my Moleskin browsing has proved.

I shall see you tomorrow, Caroline. And Emilea and Anna, I wish I would see you tomorrow, but alas, I will not.


7 pairs of penny loafers:

Caroline said...



*hysterical giggles of the girlish variety*

You definately changed your URL before that post, though. I'm like, 99.9999% positive. Don't fret.




AK Faison said...

That. was. awesome.

Off to go find some binder clips now.
My personal preference is the Pilot Precise V5 X-fine point.

Don't worry. I'm going to comment on your Don't Fret post before the weekend.

It just takes me an incredibly long time to process. Also I'm feverishly working on something of my own.

Love you.

Caroline said...

I have your moleskine!
and looking for alaska.
not precisely sure how I ended up with either... I think I saw them, picked up the bag and was like, "aaww, heather left looking for alaska and OH NO, Heather left her MOLESKINE!" and that was a few seconds before we got to my house and I forgot to put the bag down... etc.

Heather said...

yeah, I realized it directly after you left. I hadn't even gotten all the way in the door yet. It's sad... =(

emilea said...

i posted on don't fret!

much love,

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Email Marketing
very handy, thanx a lot ofr this blog ........This isd exactloy what I was looking for.