Saturday, October 4, 2008

how I spent the best 15th birthday of my life...

the FESTIVITIES (a cooler word when in caps lock) started a day early when I arrived at school to receive a puppy-sized elephant--named Willy, after John's very own puppy--and delicious, crumbly, explosive sugar cookies with sprinkles. From there, it moved into my first block, where many people (especially those with a name starting with the letter D) actually remembered the next day was my birthday, without my reminding them. Then, the day slipped into second block, which wasn't anything special, but our test was easier than I thought it would be and the rest of school was fairly uneventful.

And then. JESSICA'S HOUSE. and a Starburst from Joey for my birthday gift. And blank cd's. And funny yearbook pictures. And a lovely chat with long lost Tyler, who I never talk to anymore and who is so ridiculous.

ALLISON'S HOUSE where I ate oysters, chips, brownie's, crackers with cheese, a hamburger, and pasta salad. And where we also sung Your Song very badly for an Elton John fan who has touched Elton John's shoes. Something I was amazed about. And then a whole lot more awesome, a handheld Sudoku, and a fancy pen. Apples to Apples. Beanbag chairs. Therapist (the rapist). Giovagnoli twins. Caroline's bad phone-operating abilities. Sleep (or lack of).

MY SISTER'S BOOKS where I bought books, ate (lots of) good food, read part of a book aloud, wandered around, laughed at Allison, talked about books, shelved books, read hilariously dreadful Knock-Knock jokes, did those little word puzzle things from Trif's class, met an author, at more food, ate even more food, traded in children's books for:

Familiar Heat by Mary Hood
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon
Mr. Spaceman by Robert Olen Butler
About a Boy by Nick Hornby
The Memory of Running by Ron McLarty
Music Minus One by Jane Shore
The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen
Searching for David's Heart by Cherie Bennett

Then I came home to find 25 more dollars to devote to Disney World (ugh, I hope I can pay for it...)

Plus, facebook wishes me a happy birthday, and that's what I've been waiting for all my life. *eye roll*

Thanks to everybody in the world who is awesome. You made my birthday awesome. I love you guys. (emilea, a comment is forthcoming)


3 pairs of penny loafers:

Caroline said...

Well, I am very very very very glad that this has been better than all of your other fifteenth birthdays... I know there was some major competition there.


And! HOW DID YOU GET ALL THOSE OTHER BOOKS???? I mean, WTC(emileahahaha)???? Did you make someone bring you books to trade in, or something?

I want my ARC of Charmed Thirds (even though it's not as good as sloppy firsts or second helpings... it's still amazing)!

i'm booorrrreeed
stupid mrs.congdon canceled on me....

there's no way i'm going to disney world.



okay anyway

happy birthday again and again and again.

love you

emilea said...

it's your birthday -you get cut a lot of slack, don't worry. i'm excited for you. fifteen was pretty gogod to me. it still is being pretty good to me. i'll let you know how the rest of it raps up.

*and many more!* much love,

emilea said...

you officially don't suck. we've all been craaaaazy busy. and me, well, i'm trying to figture out what the heck i'm really supposed to be doing. with my time, energy, heart, etc.

and it's not as fun and romantic as it seems. it's actually quite hard. but, you know, life.

anyways. love you. for real, you don't suck,