Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'll go where the weather's nice and warm

Because that's better than 24 degree weather minus snow. Especially since someone got snow not too long ago and it was only 30-ish degrees. *cough* emilea *cough* And my toes were most definitely frozen for a good hour after I entered the school. I was not wearing flip-flops, either. Just my bowling shoes, which aren't the warmest shoes I own, but aren't cold.

I'll also go where there's a good THE-AH-TAH instead of our dinky high school auditorium. One with a backstage and a place where actors sit when they don't have lines for 10 more scenes. And the smoothness of yesterday's rehearsal for Emma was most definitely too smooth. Especially since today we didn't even get through a single scene once and move on. Every. Single. Scene we had to stop and/or start over and run it again. I realize that it's the beginning of tech rehearsals, but yesterday went so perfectly. Murphy's Law, ladies and gentleman. The last few dress rehearsals will be so stressful.

But my part is going well, I think. Blake said I was the best and his favorite character in the play. (See, she is such an idiot. He's so nice). And Lauren said that I was doing really well, and she told her mother to keep an eye out for me to enter when we perform, because I'd be the really good one that talks a lot. I think they're both exaggerating, but it's a good sign. Plus, I do have all my lines memorized, which allows for much more characterization. But that also means that everyone else has the potential to show me up, once they have their lines memorized.

And everyone, in my opinion, is doing really well. Most, in fact, are exceeding my expectations. I definitely did not think Lenny had such skill, and Lauren's narrator voice is fantastic (but I thought she'd do great), and Austin is even doing better than I expected. Not on his entrances and cues, but, you know, in his acting and whatnot.

I wish that y'all could come see it. The set is pretty good, and we're getting actual costumes this year! Tay!!! And, obviously, it's EMMA so it's great anyway, without everything else. Plus, I want to see you, emilea! I miss you!

But to the point of the post:

To Do This
1 - Go to Wikipedia. Hit “random”or click first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to Quotations Page and select "random quotations"or click last four or five words of the very last quote on the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to Flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”or click picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use Photobucket or similar to put it all together.

And since Michael Foot (that's what it is, if you can't tell. It turned out blurry for some reason) and Stripped Treeshrew are going on tour together, they need an opening act. So I did another one. (I also did another one because I'm procrastinating doing my english homework and because it was so much fun the first time. Also, I'm lame. And when I told Austin today that I had no "spare time" he asked me what I did so that I didn't have spare time--after asking me what I meant by that--I couldn't really think of anything. Except that on every Saturday from here to eternity--meaning mid-April--I'm busy. But Fridays? Nothing so far. Sundays? Just the bowling this weekend. Weekdays? Just homework and rehearsal, but nothing interesting. I feel very anti-social these past few days). You know what, am I allowed to change my band? I like our opening act better than my band. Maybe I'll just aBANDon my fellow band members and join Brickyard Kennedy.

Anyway. That's all for today.


3 pairs of penny loafers:

emilea said...

when is it? if i could get it on the calendar, we could totally make it happen. i could possibly make it happen. i don't know, though. i would have to be a huge joint task-force opperation. but it could be done. : - )

yeah, snow days have been fun. i haven't really gone outside, so i don't know how cold it really is or isn't. we didn't have school on monday, tuesday, and today we have a two hour delay, so i'm just chillin', about to go read persuasion. i love that book. who are you playing in emma?

yeah, our drama production at school is muy horrible. we finished casting about a month ago, and now we're trying to rehearse through the first scene, which we haven't managed to do. i just have this feeling that it's not going to be happening. oh well. honestly, i kind of have better things to do. i'm training for a 5k race (i know, scary, but i want to challenge myself, see how strong i really am), and i have tons of school work, and so drama is the last thing on my mind.

i miss you. a lot. please let me know when the play date is. and remember, bad rehersal, good performance. : - )

grace peace and love,

Heather said...

It's the 26 and/or 27. Of march. Short notice, I know. Just three weeks away, and we've barely had rehearsal. It's going well, though. I'll comment on your blog too with the date, just in case you don't come back and read this soon. And I'll send you an email. We haven't emailed in forever. =)


Caroline said...

I don't think Blake was exaggerating. You've got your part down incredibly well. *is jealous*. I would definitely say that you're the best in the cast, at least at this point. Partially because you've got your lines memorized so you can really act, but also partially because you are great. :)
I however, have some major work to do *memorizes*

love you,