Saturday, February 13, 2010

I want more of these nights

I still don't like Valentine's day. But I can't help but have a good weekend when I go to bed with the world glowing white and wake up with it still covered, five inches of powdery, crunchy snow. Snow is the instant good mood. Better than hot chocolate, better than a comedy, better than anything I've ever experienced. And even once it's gone, the sky remains so clear and crisp that each star seems to put forth it's best effort to shine brighter than the glowing lamp posts and headlights of cars streaming down the highway. The blue shines all night long, still hoping for a hint of white to come falling down.

Kisses in the snow. Better than kisses in the rain.

I want to keep the mood up, keep this weekend as happy as last night, as this morning. Epic snowball fights outside the coffee house, snow angels, snowmen, and a feeling like the whole world has been blanketed by a pure silence, a powder that can't be blown away.

I love snow, more than anything. I love it enough to walk 20 minutes through the snow and wind at night for coffee and music, and then make a trip back. I love it enough to go to bed at one in the morning and wake up at 6:30 voluntarily. I love it enough to endure the literally freezing temperatures.

I want this feeling year round. The only thing that could have made it better was if it lasted all day today. Just enough that I could play in it more. Just enough that I could have gone on a walk through the woods, alone or hand in hand with Paul. I've never had a happier long weekend, never had a happier valentines weekend. It isn't even valentine's day yet.

Hope all of you had as fantastic of a night/day as I did in the snow. Beautiful.


baby I love you

1 pairs of penny loafers:

Caroline said...

Oh, the snow was beautiful. I'm glad you had such a great experience. And glad that you will actually be able to spend your Valentine's Day with Paul and not alone or, worse, at dinner with his coupled friends (I'm sorry, that would just be really really wierd).

Love (always, not just Today because you're supposed say how much you love everyone Today),