Saturday, January 17, 2009

all mexican food-ed out

What did we have for dinner? Burritos. My mother couldn't pick a day when I hadn't already had mexican food, no! She had to pick the day I go to Habeneros. People keep saying Habs and it's really annoying. Just say the whole thing!

So I decided to start journaling. Just writing whatever I'm thinking when I decide to write. I'm going to take to carrying it around with me at school, too. Because I want to be Hank and John and read it ten years later and laugh. From what he read, I think that John's could be turned into a book. Not a very good one, but a funny one. So maybe one day mine can? Actually, no. That's not why I'm writing it. I just want to be able to reminisce ten years from now.

The first entry just talks about what I've just said. How I want to journal for the sake of memories. And I'm going to make a point of not mentioning Amy or Natasha in it at all. =)

"People get mad when you tell them you wouldn't cry if they died."
"Wow, I hope I didn't learn that from experience"

Actually, come to think of it. This blog is kind of my journal. Hmm. Wow, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and sentimental inside. For real.

My parents are going to play pool tonight. Which makes me think of Walker and his special pool skills. I miss that pool table. I've actually been thinking about random things I'd forgotten about governor's school a lot lately. Random memories and stuff. I think I want to make more memories that good this summer. That's one of my new year's resolutions--make lots and lots of memories. Make my high school years truly the best in my life. Have experiences to write about.

I figure I should just reveal my resolutions slowly, over a period of time. Because I haven't even thought of some of them yet.

that's all really. I was just tired of looking at that post.


1 pairs of penny loafers:

Caroline said...

I started thinking that the blog is my journal. I didn't tell you this when we were talking about journaling yesterday but I actually started to journal in my moleskine sketchbook. Mostly because I had no idea what to put in there (other than lovely sketches of your dreams) and everyone (DOMINIC) thinks that my moleskine is a journal anyway. But I haven't done it much because I have a blog.

And who needs an Isabelle when you can have a Heather(Caroline)/Anna/Emilea?

But journaling is more solid, I guess. The internet could implode and disappear or something.

I love John and Hank's journals.

"I don't even know why I like Whitney. I mean, she's so flat."