Friday, August 14, 2009

slender threads and things to treasure

Decided I like waking up early. I don't like the thirty of so minutes where I'm exhausted and don't want to move, but when I get up at 7 like I have been, I feel like my day is so much longer. I can do more. And if I get tired, I nap =)

I get done with volleyball at 11 (give or take 20 minutes, because we always get out late) and then I have the whole day to do whatever. It's nice. I wish I'd discovered this magic earlier. (pun). I've gotten so much done, and then some days I just kind of lay around, relaxing. Yesterday was the perfect example of waking up early making me day good. I finished the last chapter of Wuthering Heights, read acts 1 and 2 of a Doll's House, and then went out and had fun for a few hours. I went out to dinner and had the most delicious food ever then we watched August Rush. I can't tell you how many times I've seen that movie now. About a hundred, probably.

But now that it's Saturday, and school starts Monday, all that free time is over because my day will be filled with school (ech) and then volleyball and then homework (also, ech). But I'm super excited to see people every day again. And I'm also the kind of geek/nerd who enjoys school for the most part. Plus, I can't wait to be in charge of something! haha. Book club is going to be great...if only we can get the darn thing organized. I'm excited to start drama again, too. Even if I can't be in 12 angry men, I can still come to meetings.

So you moved in today. How did that go?


days like that should last and last and last

0 pairs of penny loafers: