Thursday, June 12, 2008

musical melodies

I'm glad to hear the news that Caroline's iPod is found, but I'm even glad-er (not a word but more glad sounds stupid) that I've finally gotten around to adding music to my mp3 player. Wanna know why that makes me happier??? Do ya? doya doya doya?

It's because I get to borrow Natasha's CDs and she has about a thousand and it's all guarunteed to be awesome. For instance, I shall list some of the ones I've added already and I've only gone through a third of her music.

Jack Johnson (3 CDs, including one song from Curious George soundtrack--Upside Down. The only one I felt like adding from thatCD)
Cartel (new obsession with them)
Journey Greatest Hits (yes, that includes Don't Stop Believin')
Jon McLaughlin (new discovery)
James Blunt
Goo Goo Dolls
Evanescence (I don't know what the Sher-Pas were talking about when they wrote in the lines "If it's Evanescence you will be severely mocked." I personally love Evanescence)
Carrie Underwood (Some Hearts)
Boys Like Girls (since you don't seem to remember to let me borrow it ever)
Avril Lavigne

And there are many more that will be added. The Beatles especially.

That's a lot of music. I'm curious as to how many songs I'll have now after I finish this. I had 277 before. I'll let you guys know in the next post.

That's all my news.


trouble travels fast...

7 pairs of penny loafers:

Caroline said...


I wish I had a sister whose musical interests weren't restricted to Disney-affilated pop and Cobie Callait.

Caroline said...

I really love the line at the end and I must know what song it came from.

(trouble travels fast)

<3 Caroline

Heather said...

It comes from Sleep Through The Static by Jack Johnson. It's the first line.

You're psychic you know. Even though it was pretty obvious it was a song...nevermind. I take it back. You're not psychic.

Caroline said...

Well, we can't all be.
And clearly, if I *was* psychic, I wouldn't need you to tell me what song it was, would I? Unless my powers were limited, somehow.
Wow, this is weird to think about.

Heather said...

like phone time traveling weird??

emilea said... slightly strange you two, mm? : - _ kidding. i love jack johnson. any chance, are you into john mayer? i'm a fan of your taste in music so far. are you a fall out boy person? their music makes me want to hurl. and that's being nice. beattles are amazing, so is panic at the disco, if by chance you happen to get that. *shrug*

meeting you in person is going to be pretty wicked awesome, i'm just saying. i'm so looking forward to our writing orientation, i can barely stand it. i want to know who got in, and who didn't. it will be an interesting group, for sure. but i'm sure we'll all love it. it's impossible not to love governor's school.



when you're specially designed for crash testin

Caroline said...

Love John Mayer, despise Fall Out Boy, adore the Beatles, like the... one... Panic! At The Disco song that I know.

Emilea- seperated, we are slightly strange. Together, we are SUPER STRANGE! *said in SUPERMAN voice*

WE'll start fighting crime with our powers of strangeness any day now.