Saturday, June 14, 2008

my last breath

So this is the last post before we set off. The last every-day post until we (sadly) come back.

I think I'll make a list out of it.

Things Heather Loves:

~new haircuts
~hanging out with Jess (because she's just so entertaining. And has books! and has insane hair, money, a car, and because she's awesome)
~new WWF shirts (really cute ones I might add)
~cookie dough
~One Small Step by P. B. Kerr (a book that is amazing but I've been too excited to finish. Sorry about that, Scott)
~the Hiatus Tour
~messing with her hair (it's so fun and short and cute!)
~talking to my roomsmate/suitesmate
~her 407 new songs (I said I'd tell you how many it ended up being yesterday, but I didn't because I'm slack. So I'm telling you now. 407. That's a lot. It's 42 CDs. Not nearly the 229 that she has, but still, a lot).

Things Heather Dislikes (not quite hates. That's a bit harsh)

~trying to be an efficient packer
~checklists (I swear, if I see another one in my life I will shoot it)
~ugly notebooks (I'm totally buying one when I get there...if that's possible. Or I'm going to steal one of yours)
~getting my hair cut
~storage containers (any kind. You name it. Suitcase, laundry bin, trash basket, shower caddy, bags. whatever)
~when people eat the delicious leftovers from the dinner I cooked

See? The dislike list is much shorter. That means a good day!

See you both tomorrow (Caroline, see you at an hour that should only exist in the pm. Emilea, see you...whenever. I guess some time in the afternoon--the aforementioned pm)!

sweet raptured light it ends here tonight

6 pairs of penny loafers:

Miss. Maddie said...

Your blog is so intresting. I like it because you just write what ever you want or whats on your mind. I do the same thing. Plus i love you background!


Caroline said...

You leave really bizzare voicemails.

Heather said...


Apparently I sound nothing like myself on voicemails...

Caroline said...

Oh, yeah. It didn't tell me the number, and I had NO IDEA it was you. I had to think about it for like, ten minutes. And then I decided that only you, Chelsea and Allison had my number. I finally came to the conclusion that only you would
a) leave such a rude voicemail and
b) be so presumptious as to assume that I would know who it was.
And when I THOUGHT about it, it KIND OF sounded like you.
See you... in the *groans* morning.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for leaving those links on my blog. =D And as well stopping by. I like a lot of those things on you 'What I Love List'. Haha, it does sound like you're having a goog day. [= Oh, and I love that last line in your post "Sweet raptured light, it ends here tonight."

Hit me back

Aren [= xo

emilea said...

post. please. it's been weird not hearing anything for you for more than six or seven hours. just a little bit frightening not hearing anything from anyone for more than six or seven hours. i miss jane. and emily. and everyone and you. and caroline. and ...*ugh*.

*depression* new post on the blog. with no poetry, oddly enough.
