Friday, June 13, 2008

one liners

Packing must ensue sometime soon. Haircuts will happen tomorrow. This is my post. That's it. The End.


(see our names in city lights)

4 pairs of penny loafers:

Anonymous said...

We'll make the clock stop make your heart drop then come alive..
Major blonde moment there, but I LOVE that song.
*EEK* I'm so excited! For Sunday, and the concert.

This post is really sad. In case you didn't get that. :D

emilea said...

i'm sorry...what's that song? i feel like i should know it. but i don't! AH! yeah, i'm about to start laundry and packing. i woke up this morning at 6:30 really excited and super nervous. i had to go walk/run it off. i get to meet you in person tomorrow. i am checking in to the domr tomorrow. i'm starting the academy program...TOMORROW! i'm so excited. it just kind of dawned on me this morning. a little late, i know, but still.

*nervous*...*excited* happy packing,


Heather said...

I woke up really early, too! So did my suitemate and roommate apparently. It kind of just...felt surreal up until this point (Caroline, you know, like going to Disney World), but now it's here. And I have to pack. And wake up super early tomorrow. But it's here. It's insane.

Caroline said...

Disney World never really ceased to be surreal. I hardly felt like I was there until I was gone.

I woke up at ten. Sorry to kill the morning-people-connection. I probably won't be able to sleep AT ALL tonight, though. That's just how I work. Christmas. Birthdays. Governer's School. NO SLEEPING ALLOWED. (Plus, I have to wake up at some ungodly hour anyway. But you're meeting us here at five. FIVE!)

Emilea, the song is Five Minutes To Midnight by Boys Like Girls. See, I'm obsessed with them, and that's one of my favorite songs on the CD, and I couldn't figure out why the lyrics sounded familiar.

I am pathetic.