Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hmm...comments on comments

Hello all! (two...) I know I haven't actually posted a real post in a while, so I decided to today (actually, it was even before I read your comment Caroline! Weird, huh?)

Anyways...I just read Caroline's comment on
Steph's blog (see below) and felt it necessary to comment on her comment. Well, and on her comment on my blog here. On the last post. About the king of the fairies. I'll do that after the long one, though. So it'll be at the bottom.

Here it is, Caroline's (your) original comment:

Caroline said...

Because I am oh-so-creative (another sign of impopularity) I have compiled a list of the various misdemeanors throughout my school career that have led to impopularity. :D

K)Sing the ABCs when the teacher asks you to recite them. When she repeats herself, say that you can only do it singing.

1)Be the Teacher's Pet.

2)Read. Write mean things about classmates in a journal that will inevitably be
discovered and read aloud at some point.

3)Get really unflattering glasses that are bright blue in color and Harry Potter in style. Attempt to make friends in your class.

4)Spend a lot of time with one close friend. Cry when Heather rats you out for talking in the bathroom and you get detention.

5)Sing a song by the Cheetah Girls for your fifth grade talent show.

6)Confide your crush on a popular guy to Heather, because she'll repeat it a bit too loudly and the popular girl will hear you and then everyone will find out on field day and you'll have to go home sick.

7)Write a boy who likes you a list of reasons why you hate him so much. Include a limerick about his teeth. That's sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

8)Find a small group of friends who are equally uncool(but equally awesome, too) and do bizzare things. Have marker wars, randomly burst into song. People will think you are in a cult and not talk to you because you might offer them red Kool-Aid. Encourage this rumor.

9)Behave in a relatively anti-social manner when not with your friends (you know, the kids in the cult) and refuse to tell the popular people what that thing you're writing down is.

(Surprisingly enough, they still want to know.)

Email me at the Plenty of Paper address(it's on Heather's comment) and put Caroline in the subject line. :)


PS: Awesome contest idea!

June 3, 2008 8:45 PM

Here's my response: (I was originally typing it in as another comment on Steph's blog, but decided it would be better suited as a blog post.) Also, my numbers corollate with her (your) numbers...well... grades

K) You know what's really weird? I did that too! haha. My kindergarten one is...sort of like the ABCs one. Count to 483 when your teacher tells you to count to 100 (even when she tells you to stop, you just walk away, still counting)

1) Does proving your first grade teacher wrong in math because you did it the way the third graders do and that's not a first grade requirement count as being a teacher's pet? (ahh, now I'm all nostalgic)

2) I...hmm...I don't know. I guess I read, but I can't really count just a few months as a whole grade... I think leaving the class for about an hour and a half every day to do testing so that I could officially leave the class made me unpopular... sort of. *shrugs*

3) Come into the class a quarter late, a year younger, and a lot smarter (but don't be in the specialized classes--Beach--so that the people not smart enough to be in those classes spend more time with you and begin to hate you.

4) Haha...I remember that. It was a very entertaining moment...back when we hated each were such a loser, lol. JK! (okay, so I'm not, but I didn't say you are now). For some reason, make Reid Simpson not like you so that you end up loosing your best friend because she's close to Reid and decides to be a conformist.

5) you will never live that down!!!! Anyway: Spend every recess in the music room with your two BEST friends in the whole world and pop blown up ziploc bags. Once the first graders come in, help them out with their instruments. Don't make any contact with another fifth grader.

6) Roll your eyes at immature popular boys. Become friends with unpopular people (ahem, Caroline). Make fun of this kid that stares at you all the time and then if you glance at him he says "Why are you staring at me???!!!???" Laugh about aforementioned kids stalker skills. Sit at a table with your dork magnet best friend for lunch. That is sure to bring those pesky dorks to your table as well. Play the Guess The Fruit game every day. (I really did set my unpopularity in stone in sixth grade, didn't I?)

7) Hmm...I can't think of anything... Oh! Always be in a group with people you don't like (and nobody else does) in english class.

8) This was a good year for us. Marker wars...random song outbursts... Mine: Sing Spice Girls songs with Allison every day outside. Say you hate Mr. Bankert's class. Say you like Mrs. Gordon's class. Make fun of popular guys for their english papers (AAAAATTTTTUUUUKKKKKAAAAAMMMMAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Have very awkward moments where friend of aforementioned popular guy says that you and popular guy should date because you bicker like an old married couple.

9) Do not answer when questioned. Say 'nothing' a lot. Become Nerdfighter. Don't answer questions about the song your singing (where would America be?), the binder cover your drawing ( JOKES...), or the hand motion your making. Wear confusing (and AWESOME) t-shirts. Don't answer when people ask you about it.

It's a complicated art I've perfected.

So that's comment on comment numero uno. Comment on comment numero dos:

Caroline said...

I'm going to be extremely hypocritcal and tell you that I'd like for you to write a blog entry.

I know.

You've written one more recently than I have.

That's why I'm not rudely demanding that you write another blog entry. It's a polite request. What I am demanding is that you let me read this story (the one in the post below) because it sounds really amazing and I really want to.


PS: I really thought I'd commented on this already.

PPS: Who is this king of fairies person?

June 3, 2008 8:57 PM

You are being hypocritical. But I forgive you. I shall put said story on website (that one, that the totally unbiased civilian's name linked to? yeah, that one). I'm not very far, though. I'll be writing more in the next couple days. I really thought you'd commented on it already, too. This kind of fairies person is Oberon. I introduce you. He left a comment on The Ravenous Reader's blog. Here it is:

Oberon said...

......sometimes.....i talk to strangers.......what?

June 1, 2008 9:47 PM

Yes, and so I went to his blog and left a comment asking him if he was the king of the fairies. This was the reply:

Oberon said...

......thanks for your comments and.....yes.....i'm king of the fairies.

June 2, 2008 10:59 PM

So now we're all caught up on the commentary comments, so I'll stop saying the word comment. Right...NOW.

Heather (I feel like
Maureen Johnson now)

I encourage you to click on all the links. =D

5 pairs of penny loafers:

Caroline said...

Maybe I'll do that too. Since I did have, like, seven comments on the last post. And I want to blog, but I don't know what to blog about.

I can't believe you called my past self a loser... TWICE!

True as it may be. I was nice enough not to call your past-self names. (Like dog-faced. Or know-it-all. Or BULLYING TATTLE-TALE.)
Possibly because they all make me sound like a fourth grader?

<3 Caroline

emilea said...

yes, but if i clicked on the list it would take amillium to actually get through your post, instead of a century. : - )

and yes, i live. barely and busily. i babysitt a five year old every day, four days a week, 8:30 to 4 until governor's school. so, sorry for the infrequent posts. between mom's surgery, exams, and work, it's been hard to get to the blog. but i have several poems to share with you.

oh, and guess who's listening to the august rush soundtrack?


Heather said...

Guess who just finished watching August Rush? haha.

it's good to know you're alive. =)

Anonymous said...

I consider, that you commit an error. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.

Anonymous said...

You are not right. I am assured.