Sunday, November 25, 2007

August Rush

I went to go see August Rush today, with Caroline.

I'm in love.

With the movie August Rush and with the kid August Rush a.k.a. Evan Taylor a.k.a. Freddie Highmore and with Louis Connelly and the people who wrote the story, Nick Castle and James V. Hart and Paul Castro.(oh, and Jonathan Rhys Meyers, because he's awesome and because he plays Louis)

It is now my favorite movie.

It might possibly be the best movie I've ever seen.

It really was that great.

And Freddie Highmore has always been one of my favorite actors, but now it's official. He is my favorite actor. By far. It's a landslide win. No doubt about it. And I love his eyes. His gorgeous, blue eyes that I could just stare at forever. But that's another story. I shouldn't dwell too long on his eyes, else you might get bored, and I don't want that.

That movie even made me forget about the horrible choice for Bella Swan in Twilight the movie.

For hours I didn't think about it once. And even now, it's not making me depressed because of the happy, internal impression that August Rush made on me. (person and movie)

I now want to buy a guitar or cello and name it August.

I can't wait until it comes out on DVD. I'm buying it instantly.

I am totally jealous of Daniel Radcliffe just for being friends with Freddie Highmore.

I want to be him. I am willing to play a guy in Harry Potter--Harry Potter specifically--just to be friends with Freddie Highmore.

He's one of those people that I would die to meet. I want to meet him more than Johnny Depp.

Scary isn't it?

But I'm not in love with just him by himself. It's his acting skills, his sweet nature, his altogether embodiment.

Same with the movie. It's the whole entirety of the movie, every character in it has depth and a story. Everyone is connected. Every actor is amazing.

But my obsession with this movie has only begun. I've only seen it once. The obsession will grow the more I see this movie. The more I learn about the movie. The more I learn about Freddie Highmore(like the shocking news that he turns 16 on Valentines Day, yes it's true, he's not really as young as he looks).

I love it.

And all in all, it turned out to be a fantastic day. Actually, yesterday was pretty good too. That's like a record for the past few weeks. Two days back-to-back that were good? Weird.

Well, anyway. The whole point is that I strongly advise going to see August Rush. It's amazing.

But, then again, you is Caroline and I went to see it with Caroline. And it's not like anyone else reads my blog...
Im out

♥♥"I believe in music the way some people believe in fairy tales. But I hear it came from my mother and father. Once upon a time, they fell in love..."♥♥

1 pairs of penny loafers:

Caroline said...

ugh. you suck. I just wrote the exact same entry(more or less) and now would feel stupid for posting it.
I think I will anyway, though.
Just know I'm not plagerizing, or anything.