Saturday, November 3, 2007

Volleyball Fundraiser

it was cold. The wind was wipping across my face. I looked up at the sun. It was still low in the eastern sky. Too early to be really awake. Saturdays are meant for sleeping in. Nobody was coming. So we waited. And waited. And waited...

Oh look! she cried. Theres someone coming...

Ugh! It's just Keri! She's just pulling her car up.

And then it was Brennan.

And then we waited. And waited. And waited...

It was still cold. Not as cold as before. The sun was approaching being directly overhead. Noon was close...

OMG! someone's actually coming!

5 are lined up. Finally people are here!

We finished those five and dried them off. The sun is directly overhead. We were getting hungry...

OH look! Burgers! yumm...

Oh of course they came then. When we were eating.

Scarf them down ladies, scarf them down!

We finally got busy. My hands pruned. I held a torn up sign for about five minutes. Then he called me back.

Drinks! I needed drinks!

Here we go. Its over now. The sun has moved to the western sky. Our time is up. Exhausted and wet, we went home. All in a day's work. 45 came. 275 made. More to be collected.

1 pairs of penny loafers:

Anonymous said...

wow...dramatic enough? lol "the sun was in the eastern sky" i started cracking up right about there. hehehe i didnt think it was THAT bad. anyways...see u tomorrow!