Thursday, November 15, 2007 I told you--I haven't been able to get past this one paragraph in my story for Gov. school application. And this writer's self-hatred(yes I am stealing that phrase from you, Caroline. Who cares if it's plagiarism--WAIT! Its not because I just cited you! HAHA! found my way around that one! anyway...) is really annoying me! The irritation of it is nawing at every corner of my mind whenver I try to relax and get some sleep so I'm just going to edit the paragraph best I can, take a couple days break, then go back to my story.

It will be a great thing to do and fill the empty time of my miserable Thanksgiving break, when I will be forever doomed to hole-up in my room reading, writing, or sleeping because I will have absolutely nothing to do because my family isn't coming, I'm not going anywhere, my sister will be here but doing other things,--you know, the usual, hanging out with friends, arguing with my mom, that stuff--and most of my friends either have plans or for some reason we won't be able to do anything because thats what always happens(except for possibly on wednesday)

And because I have to take a break from writing to get over my writer's self-hatred, I won't, of course, be writing the very necessary part of my Gov. school application, and since I don't really like rhyming poetry and I'm not good at free verse, and it's physically--mentally, as well--impossible for me to write a good story 10 pages or less, I basically have no other option but to write a chapter of a novel and I can't just send in the first chapter and be done with it!

I have to write at least like 4-5 chapters of my novel for me to choose a good one that's under 10 pages that I like and gives an idea of what my novel is going to be about.

well right now, I'm going to stop wasting my time and writing energy on this blog and conserve it for when I do go to write my story in a couple days. That being said, I probably won't write anything else for the next couple days, so goodbye for now, and you can stop listening to me--or reading--talk(write) about my writing problems
Im out, for a bit longer

0 pairs of penny loafers: