Sunday, November 18, 2007

Not Quite a Chain Letter...a blog letter??

You know those stupid chain letters?? The ones that say if you dont send this to 20 people in the next 3 hours, you will see a dead girl hovering above your bed tonight with a sickle, stabbing you whilst kicking your nose intending to break it and cutting your hair until you look like a stray cat that's been starving for ten years with your tears turning into blood??

Yea, those things.

I hate those.


So, Caroline, my one and only reader,(and whomever else may actually read this-not likely) I propose a task to you--something I stole from Libba Bray.

There is this game, and here are the rules:

The rules are that "each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog."

Sounds confusing the first time you read it...or at did to me...anyway moving on.

Since I only know one person with a blog and that is you, Caroline you are the person I am tagging and I encourage you to pass this on, and I promise you will not wake up tonight with a dead girl hovering over you stabbing you, kicking you, and chopping off all your hair.

If you do...well...I'll know why you end up in the hospital with a broken nose and multiple stab wounds, with your hair chopped off. I will understand. I promise.

So here goes the eight wonderful facts:

  1. I have so many inside jokes that I could go on and on with a list of things that even you, caroline, wouldn't understand. Such as... bunny in the sky; Swirling pink pile of DOOM; our mommy might take our dinosaurs away again; solid or liquid??; pronounciate or pronunciate?? and of course tons more I can't think of right now...
  2. I walk, talk, eat, read, and do many other things fast. At an abnormally fast rate for a few of them, eating especially. Such as the other night for dinner when I ate 3 helpings before they all finished their first.
  3. Me and Lorena have this Daniel Radcliffe thing where we tell stories about him and his crazy fans all the time even though both of us think he's funny looking and gay...yea...good times...
  4. I bite my nails, as a matter of fact...while I was thinking of what to write for this fact, I was biting my middle finger nail on my left hand, it is now shorter. But that's something common...I wish I had something else cooler to say.
  5. I absolutely love writing poetry but I hate how it sounds when I'm done. It's kind of like the writer's self-hatred I mentioned(and stole from caroline) earlier in a previous posting. Either I write using rhyming and have a love/hate relationship with the turn out or I write free verse and I think it sounds unrythmical(my own word invention) and I have another love/hate relationship with that. And I love the way poetry creates vivid images that just seem so emotional and I love it. But, alas, I hate my poetry...
  6. The only time I eat mayonnaise is on a bananamayo sandwich(that sounds gross but it's actually good, and I dont even like mayonnaise)
  7. One of my friends(who's practically being stalked--story for a later time) yells at me for reading all the time in my drama class and then she yelled at me for passing on my joy of reading to my friend zac and so she started reading and she's so into her book that if she has it with her, she reads more than me. So that brings being yelled at for reading up to about a billion times and sadly about 2 billion of those times are from my friend Katlyn, previously mentioned above.
  8. I haven't gotten my mom to sign a required gradesheet in about a year, I've forged them all, most of the time because I've forgotten

Ok so here it is, pass it on Caroline, this game could get very interesting...or not, whichever

Im Out; luvya

2 pairs of penny loafers:

Caroline said...

You'll visit me in the hospital too, right??
:) it'll be ok... i'll pass it on... and not even out of fear!

Unknown said...

It's still a chain letter.