Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Schweet 15!

Happy Birthday!!

finally 15. The second one to make it. How does it feel? Great? Fantastic? Superb??

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Dear Caroline....
Happy Birthday to you!!!

On to another note...I swear Mrs. Vereen is completely headache inducing! I've only had her twice but both times, I've come out of her class with a headache. It's dreadful.

I'm glad to hear that you'll actually be blowing up into a blueberry instead of just disappearing behind the stage...that's good. A lot better, in fact.

And I can't wait to go to Oompa Loompa School!! It's going to be schweet! And Michael does the best Willy Wonka. I think that if Johnny Depp wasn't as amazing as he was, he would have to worry. I'm serious. Gene Hackman(is that who plays him in the first movie? I think so) has nothing, nothing on Michael. He's really good. It's great. I actually like everybody except for Bryson as Mike Teavee. Even Paul I can handle as Charlie...almost. And despite Shannon's overall annoying-ness, she does a good Veruca. And you're a good violet. And Alex does a good Agustus(sp?).

It's going great for just the first read thru.

I'm so freaking nervous about the audition! It's in a week and a half!!! AHH!

I'm trying to hold it together though. Whilst mourning for Heath Ledger. We have to do a Heath Movie Marathon on Friday. I would say we could do it next weekend but I just remembered I'm going to be leaving for Charleston on Friday. Duh! And I'm not coming back until Sunday night. I'm staying with my aunt and uncle for the weekend and going to the audition(AHH!).

I'm so upset about that amazingly talented Australian actor who had so much potential and did so many great movies and died at 28.

It's sad, but I'm not as broken-hearted as Courtney who almost cried. Literally. I was sad, but she almost cried.

I would like to leave it on this one happy note, though:

I actually don't have any homework!!! (written, that is. I have to read about ee cummings which doesn't bother me and start brainstorming)

R.I.P. Heath.

2 pairs of penny loafers:

Caroline said...

So sad. So, so sad.
Other than that, though, I am HAPPY! I get to blow up like a blueberry! YAY!!!!!!
SO excited.
Bryson is ridiculous as Mike Teavee. AMANDA was better. (maybe Mrs. Riley should cast Amanda as Mike Teavee?)
And I liked Paul as Charlie. He doesn't seem that bad personality wise... I guess I can see how he might get annoying, though. Micheal was AMAZING- but I'm slightly disturbed by the fact that he gets to hit me. I think he might have a bit too much fun with it.
<3 you!

emilea said...

that truly broke my heart. not because he was so good looking, or even because he was australian, but just because he was twenty eight and has a two year old daughter who will now have to watch him playing a sexually confused cowboy and the son of mel gibson in order to know what her dad was like. i feel sad that everyone thought it was an OD (like, an *i'm high* OD, not an accidental, which it probably is). but it is truly sad. and i wish the media would just leave the funeral arrangements alone. i don't care if they cremate him or have an elaborate ocean-size service. i just pray that they will heal well.