Monday, January 14, 2008

Thanks Rupert!

Yay! Emilea's coming back!

Heather says, reflecting on the magnificent video: "I'm going to be an Oompa Loompa in Charlie and the Chocoloate Factory!"

Yes, it's wonderfully true. I get to paint my face orange and dye my hair green 3 times!!! I get to say mean stuff about Violet (congrats Caroline!) and possibly talk about how great books are! I'm really excited, but Shh!! I'm tutoring!!

Ms. Riley is definitely the best teacher to come to this school so far. Well, okay, so I don't actually have her class, but I love her. She's fun, funny, and great for helping form the Drama Club again. I would have never gotten this opportunity in Drama Class. Snaps for Ms. Riley (excuse the ridiculous notion, but I watched Legally Blonde 2 last night).

And I get to roll Caroline off the stage while she's a giant blueberry!! "Violet! You're turning violet, Violet!"

That's the biggest news I've got, except...I'm going to Greece!! Not really, but in my dream last night I did. And it was like one of those Goosebumps books where you can choose your own ending. I changed the ending like ten times.

And I actually wrote haikus last night. I never write haikus. Ever. I hate writing them. But I love all of the ones I wrote. Especially a very cummings-esque one:

soft pounding of Angels' tears

It reminds me of tictoc clock.

*screws up face in concentration*

Does it?

and there's a good one about an Angel at night. It's weird though because I don't write haiku.

I'm having an exceptionally good day, just to let you know Caroline. I'm extremely happy right now. I've laughed so hard today.

There were 'tupees', bags of hair, dumb Bambis, country names (kurkistan), Noah Breyer's specials, 'smokein hot' 'hunks' that don't do it for Mrs. Young because of their Mr. Graham-ish hair, and multiple others. Lunch was empty yet full. Books were piled up to a stack 9-high (lovely). I smiled a lot.

(pardon if the rest makes no sense)
He was around, a lot. He stood in front of me, blocking my path, smiling. I smiled.
He said hi, after weeks of non communication. He touched my arm. I smiled.
He sat down and stayed for a while. I smiled.
She talked to someone besides him. She laughed. I smiled.
She took interest in my book. She laughed. She loved it. I smiled.
He said I was a good writer. He said I was a good speaker. I smiled.
He looked at me outside of class. I smiled.
He was happy (or appeared to be so). He sung. He talked, he joked. I smiled.
She made amends. She apologized. I apologized. She accepted. I smiled.
She joined a conversation. She joined a memory. I smiled.
He talked to me. He laughed. He smiled at me. I smiled.
She asked for help. She wanted me to help. I smiled.

I smiled.

I'm smiling now.

I'm missing a few things about 2007, but I'm smiling. 2008 has finally brought an amazing, nothing wrong, spectacular day.


♥Heather :D

2 pairs of penny loafers:

Caroline said...

Okay, you are just like, MEAN.
Really. Why include that whole cryptic section??? I'm so CONFUSED now!!! The only thing I can even think you might be talking about is William(he sung, all the smiling)-
Oh my god! Do you like Squakward? Hmm. Is that ridiculous?
Idk. But I'm confused, and it is going to bother me, you terrible, evil person. GRR.

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