Thursday, January 17, 2008

not so snowy snow day

It is not a happy snow day!

We don't get snow here. Ever. It's like the stupid clouds are torturing us with the prospect, then pull it out from under out feet, only giving us showers of "cold" rain. The weathermen are on the clouds' side. The tell us that it's coming. They say, "60% chance of sleet, possibly forming snow..." or whatever they say in their stupid 'Weather People' lingo. Their stupid LYING 'Weather People' lingo.

ugh. My sister spent hours last night playing in the snow. She's in Columbia at college, and, typically, they got snow. She caught flakes on her tongue and built a pathetic attempt at a snowman- however pathetic, it was still there- and then made her way to dance class. When she came out, there was still snow. I hate her. I hate the stupid weather channel.

I want snow.


I am, particularly happy at something else falling down on me. A landslide of books. It's raining books. No, snowing them (that's only fitting).

"Have you read The Truth About Forever?"
"No, not yet. I want to."
"Okay, I have it in my car."
"I want it!"

Five minutes later.

"Here." She hands me The Truth About Forever.
"Thanks. You are AWESOME!"

"Oh, and here's Someone Like You- it's got something gross on it though- and then this book. It's just really good, nothing Sarah Dessen about it."
"Eww. That is gross. Ha. Of course, if it wasn't good you wouldn't have it."
"Of course."

She walks away leaving yet another pile of books on my bed. I love her. She's so great. She just has this mountainous pile of books that I haven't read hidden in her car, her 'cubby', her locker, her room, her dresser, everywhere.

Props to Jess.

So now I have...let me count more books to read. I finished Keeping the Moon. Love it. Love Norman. Love Sarah Dessen.

Seven books. That is perfection. That is heaven. And now, I feel like I deserve to be reviewing books. I was somewhat skeptical before, but now. Now, I feel I deserve it. Now I'm worthy.

Since it is now 2 minutes past deadline, I guess I'll just crawl into bed with the next one, turn up my cd player or mp3 player, and open it (smelling it first of course). I'll just spend the next day diminishing the stacks and stacks. I'll spend the day after building a new bookshelf. I'll spend the day after that rearranging my room. The next day, then, I might come out. I might do something. That is, if no one bails. That is, if we actually go through with our plans for once. That is, if I feel like leaving the fictional world I've become so accustomed to and joining in on the 'real world' that I'm not sure I like nearly as much. If I do that- or even if I don't- the next day, I'll go back to school.

I'll start fresh.

New teachers, new classes, new lunch. I'll start fresh like I've been dreading the last few weeks. I'll leave behind three classes I hate and one I love and join ones that I'll probably feel the same way about. Maybe even worse.

I'll miss friends and find new ones. I'll push for a tennis match and the Harry Potter Party. I'll push for those just to keep in touch. I'll try hard to keep in touch.

With you, it's different. Class or no class, lunch or no lunch, we'll of course keep in touch. Especially as your birthday is less than 6 days away. We'll always be there.

That's a good thought.

Just like the books.

sitting here wondering if it will be the same,
thinking back to all that paper, bound and organized,
leaving you now to join those that don't exist,

Something's growing under that wing
I think a face is dawning
Oh no the books are growing faces

2 pairs of penny loafers:

Caroline said...

Ugh. I hate you.
Not as much as those terrible people with snow, but still. I hate you. And Allison. And Chloe. And, come to think of it, Danielle too. Because ALL of you have something to READ. And I, of course, do not.
Except for, of course, the Amber Spyglass, which I started three weeks ago and have no particular interest in finishing. It's just there, unread. Untouched. I'm starting to feel sorry for it, actually.
Though not enough to actually pick it up and read it. Sigh. I need to go to Barnes and Nobel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or at least the library. They would have the next Pretty Little Liars, which would tie me over for, oh, an hour or two.
And I can't even borrow YOUR seven books, because aside from the other non-Sarah Dessen one, I've READ them all. I've read Keeping the Moon twice, The Truth About Forever thrice, and Someone Like You too many times to keep track of- I must have gotten it from the school library six times last year. Sigh.
<3 you(even though, as i've said, I HATE you...)

emilea said...

i'm not going to lie, i read 2/3 of the post, and then skimmed. just because sarah dessen is brilliance. she just is. i want to go to UNC at chapel hill because she, oh i don't know, TEACHES THERE. so, totally want to go there, and then i found out that it's one of the best and hardest to get into enlgish programs ever. and sarah dessen teaches there. anyways.

the truth about forever: i cried through the entire first chapter, loved and hated every character. and by the third chapters, they were no longer characters. they are people. same with keeping the moon.i love keeping the moon. i love sarah dessen. sigh.


p.s. caroline, i'm sorry. go to the library. or your friend's library. and if you're anything like me, then you probably have books people have given you that are collecting dust on the shelves. but i'ma dork like that. just a dork. do you know how long i had rebel angels on the shelf before i picked it up? laziness. anyway