Monday, December 3, 2007

Golden Brown(possible chapter title)

The 2nd chapter of my novel is possibly titled as above. It's rough and raw. Not edited at all, so beware of adverbs, nonsensical babbling and mistakes. It's not that long at all so without further ado, I present to you Chapter II Part I:

You know that feeling you get when you're absolutely dreading something, but you can't wait for it to happen? Where the time varies speeds, one day going by fast, the next slow? And the whole time, you have this queasy feeling and everything feels so surreal?

It sucks, doesn't it? I would know. The last three days of school have been filled with that feeling. I walk through the halls in a daze, not seeing, not hearing, not noticing. The only one I've payed attention to is Felicia. There is no way to ignore her. There's no way to ignore her incessant comments on my parents decision about the party.

"Your mother is seriously mental."
"How about I come with you, then you come to my house whenever we leave."
"At least you don't have to stay and can leave whenever you want."
"Why should you be more like Anna?"
"Ugh. I would hate to have your mom."

None of the penetrate my ears. I hear the words but I don't realize what she's saying. Sometimes, I wish she'd just shut-up. She always talks excessively. My own little chatter-box.

Sitting at the table in the cafeteria that we share with other outcasts, I stare at my lunch. A baked potato and salad. The salad if full of hard, white lettuce and other mysterious vegetables, and the potato is the size of my palm. Some lunch this is. I attempt to eat some of my baked potato, then push it away, disgusted.

All the while, Felicia is busy chatting away about something-or-another. I should be listening. I'm not. I have no interest in what she's saying. Some best friend I am. Instead of listening to the one person conversation, I glance around at the tables. Here and there people that I know dot the sea of ones I don't.

There's Anna, surrounded by the usual twenty or so friends, all yammering away about something useless. My eyes continue past them, following the line of people awaiting a disgusting lunch. I pity them. moving on, my eyes take in the bulletin boards tacked with notices for sports and clubs--ones I wish to be a part of--and fliers on ways to show your school spirit. Haha. School Spirit? For this school. Yea right. That's the best joke I've heard all day.

My eyes stop trailing around the cafeteria. They're stuck on someone. Someone new. Someone I've never seen before.

He's followed in the door by two others--a girl and a boy--that look related to him. They're all gorgeous. He's especially gorgeous. Even from all the way across the room, i can see his golden brown eyes. They cut into my soul. I can feel his gaze penetrate mine. He sees me staring at him, but I can't tear my eyes from his. I can't severe this magnificent connection. It's the best I've felt in a long time.

I hear a word break off halfway through somewhere near me. It's Felicia. She's stopped talking. She knows I'm staring at something. God, please, don't let her see.

She does, of course. I know because she shrieks with pleasure. I force myself to pull out of his eyes and back to reality. I look over at Felicia. Her metal covered teeth are showing in a wide grin. She looks at me.

"OMG! Piper, did you see that guy? Hot. Incredibly. The best. God. Catch your breath, Felicia. Did you? Did you see him?" she asks, yet again.

The words are caught in my throat. A bemused expression is locked in place on my face. I can't move. She doesn't care if I answer. She goes on anyway.

"Wow. It must have hurt falling from heaven like that. Wow. They must be his brother and sister. Those other two. Wow. Is that all I can say. Wow."

Finally, my voice finds it's way out of my mouth. "Yea. I saw him," I say. "And yea, wow."

That's all I can muster. The rest of her words are lost to me. My mind is still back there, in his eyes. For a moment, there was nothing but us. Nothing but our eyes, intertwined in one of those suspended-in-time, heart-pounding, palm-sweating moments. In other words, the greatest moment of my life.

I look around again. Past the doors, past the bulletin boards, past the lines, searching for him. Of course, my vision fails me. He's not anywhere.

My heart sinks. I push back my chair, pick up my books, and walk out of the cafeteria, ignoring Felicia's shouts. I go to my favorite spot in the whole school, the bench right outside. The day is sunny. I take a seat on the bench, setting down my books, and pull my knees up to my chest. I press my forehead to my knees and close my eyes.

* * *
Comments? Please?
Thank you!

1 pairs of penny loafers:

emilea said...

very nice. i didn't spot adverbs. but if there are any, you know what to do with them. ; - )

fabulous. felicia's really annoying. and that's portrayed excellently. you're not making fun of her, you're just telling the truth, and that's very hard to do with something like that. the description of lunch is good, the browsing is very good as well. the only thing that especially bothered me, because i tend to be a pessimist about these kind of things: cliches. the whole "his eyes cut into my soul" thing, is very cliche. i understand the emotion you were trying to portray in it, but i think you can do better. you're writing portrays that you can do better.

: - )

amazing. that was good. very good. can't wait to get more!
