Saturday, December 29, 2007

I really need to stay off the computer

I have one more post. Hopefully the last one for days. Hopefully, I'll be spending the next few days having an almost unbearable amount of fun. Hopefully, there will be so much laughing involved that everytime we breathe we are in pain from it. Hopefully, I'll get to spend the next few days with my best friends. But, until then...

drops of water on the pages
salt streaks on my cheeks
all are evidence to it
to my feeling for you

candy wrapper, chocolate smudges
stunning images, memorable words
never to be forgotten
in the midst of heartbreak

golden light through green leaves
illuminating every piece
unwordly glowing
I close my eyes tight

the words, the lyrics fly by
accompanying the musical eyes
haunting and lovely
glittering specks of every color

flash me a smile
bring me back to realization
as I replay what you said
and my legs give way

"I love you."


2 pairs of penny loafers:

emilea said...

this is beautiful. just...beautiful. there's a poem on my blog. it's not my best, but i would still like your opinion on it.

<3 the poem,


Caroline said...

Oh, I love it. It's gorgeous. Your poetry just keeps getting better and better. :D
There's more on my story blog. Please comment.