Thursday, December 20, 2007

I would settle for Romeo and Juliet

State of loneliness

Wishing for something, anything to happen

Even someone tripping and breaking their leg, just something. Okay, so not something like that, but something.

Nothing new is going on in my house. I'm bored out of my mind.

Every other thought is either worry about getting into gov. school or about how blah I feel. I'm not happy, sad, ecstatic, crazy, hyper, anticipating, anxious, uncomfortable, sick, impish...
I'm not anything.

I almost wish that there was someone that I liked. Someone to think about. Something to wonder about.

This time last year, I was thinking about someone. Liking them. Wondering about the last exchange of words and actions between us on the last day before break. I was even dreaming about them. I never dream about anybody. Well, anybody except my friends or celebrities (like Daniel Radcliffe--that's another story). It's never a guy. Never a crush. Never anyone I have a particular interest in.

I want to have someone.

I have my best friends.

I have my other friends.

I have other people that are there for me.

I just want a him.

I want an Edward and Bella romance. A Bill and Fleur love. A Jaimie and Landon miracle. A Jesse and Winnie story. I want someone to love, and who loves me. I want a guy to call. I guy to hug.

I would even settle for an obsession like Piper for Charlie.

Just something. I want to have other things to do than sit at my computer and type blog entries for the rest of my life. I want to be so wrapped up in a guy that people think I dropped off the face of the earth because I stopped posting.

I haven't even felt anything towards anyone since my last him. That was last year. A really long time ago.

Screw this. I just need someone to notice me.

1 pairs of penny loafers:

Caroline said...

Now know how you feel about the wierdness of new layouts. Went into temporary shock, just now.
Know exactly how you feel about the other stuff, too.
Chapter Four is so romance-y. There are mass amounts of witty banter involved. Not to mention a kiss.
Writing all of this, and not having anything REAL to compare it too, was sheer torture. Sigh.
We are depressing people these days.
<3 Caroline