Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I've been a lot of lonely places...

Currently bawling my eyes out on the inside. It's not that I had a bad day. It was actually pretty good. Amazing actually. There was just...something missing. Something off. Wrong.

I feel completely solitary, isolated. I've basically been holed-up in my room for the last 3 or so hours reading and writing and listening to my new MP3 player. The first few chapters of my book, to me, are completely heart-wrenching and make you feel completely small and unimportant in this world, while simaltaneously making you feel needed.

I cried almost all the way through the first 4 chapters. That's why I'm not crying now. I'm all cried out.

I love the book though. And maybe it's just me that would ever cry reading it. I don't know. I just did.

But the day has just been like that. Weird. Amy was crabby for like five minutes(usually it's longer) and then blah. Jack gave me the same speech about a billion times after my mom had already given me the speech about a million times. My Aunt and cousin fought(ok, so that's normal but I thought I put it in there). My uncle left, leaving my stepdad to bug me all day. We played the new Life game for the billionth time. I went to walmart and actually bought something.

It's just been a weird day. I hope everybody had a good christmas. I did.


1 pairs of penny loafers:

emilea said...

what book? books i've cried through:

the truth about forever: cried through the entire first chapter. it's that depressing.

the sisterhood of the traveling pants: the first one at the end was depressing. especially when the hamster died. good book, though.

bridge to teribithia: depressing. just...depressing.

baby: fabulous book. i mean, just a staple book. everyone should read that.

the last harry potter: did cry. cried through THE SCENE that defines the rest of the book. you know THE SCENE. the one that if i say it, then it ruins it for every one else (although i'm pretty sure everyone on planet has read it. the people who haven't are real loosers...)

okay, stopping now.

sorry you had a weird day. i have those...a lot.
