Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sitting alone thinking about it all over coffee

There are so many thoughts racing through my mind right now. Jumbled up together in a giant mess of words and images.

So many things on my mind worrying me, exciting me. So many different responses to them all.

I need something to do to help me concentrate. Something to help me sort out all my thoughts into a steady streamline of sensicle babble instead of nonsensicle babble.

I wish I had a horse to groom or ride. Good music would help if it weren't for the fact I'd get so caught up in it that I would stop thinking about what I needed to.

I can't wait for the Taylor Swift concert on the 15th. I haven't gotten the tickets yet, I can't get ahold of Courtney, you're still gone, Caroline, and I can't get them on my own right now.

I hope Danielle and Chloe can go. I hope that I don't have anything to do for track on that day. That thought hadn't actually occured to me until just now. It's joining the others scrambling around in my head.

TWO WEEKS!! god, that's an awful thought. I know I said I was almost done, but since then, I haven't done anything. I haven't finished my portfolio. I'm completely stressing about getting in. I've been staring at the chapter I'm sending in for the last few days and I keep changing my mind about it. I don't want to change it. I do. I don't. I don't know. I probably shouldn't. It was my first instinct and you should always go with your first instinct...Ok, whatever. I'll put that aside and worry about something else.

I also keep drifting through the sea paper otherwise known as my bookshelf. I cleaned it out yesterday and I still don't have enough room for all my books. And I'm getting more. That's one of the things I've been thinking about. The Sweet Far Thing and how much I want it and how Walmart didn't have it and I haven't been able to go to Books-A-Million or Barnes and Noble to get it. Also thinking about Chosen, the third in the series I just read that's not coming out until March. Thinking about how I need it right now because the last one was just so devastatingly good and left the end open with something awfully and amazing and heart-wrenching and pure magic.

I need more books, but I don't have room for anymore.

This is fitting to be talking about because I am currently listening to Plenty of Paper by Eisley. It's an amazing song about a bookworm. I love it.

I think writing this helped me sort some things out.


((I don't like being seperated from the world like this))

0 pairs of penny loafers: